Cpt. L. Beth Ashen profile picture

Cpt. L. Beth Ashen


About Me

I like martial arts.

Kim Soo Karate of Austin

I hurt my knee.

My Interests

low and high brow humor. denim jackets, eye-liner, bass amps and bubble gum. comic books. strategy board games. other people's children. starwars toys. Science, space and dinosaurs. bonzai trees. issues social, economic and others of significant meaning and with requirements for intelligent concern. Pez dispensers, pirate and iconoclastic memorabilia. I play video games. I drink damn good coffee. I eat avocados with everything. Everything. I spend mad cash on comic books. I talk to my folks at least once a day. I talk about Joss Whedon at least once a day. I sing songs about my cats...loudly. I work at a martial arts school, so I'm interested in kicking ass.

I'd like to meet:

This geek:


the clash, strike anywhere, joy division, ramones, Discount, Murder City Devils, Pixies, elvis costello, mozart, dead prez, sonic youth, the coup, Billie Holliday, T-Rex, David Bowie, Pretenders, Son of Nun, Crimson Spectre, the Karloffs, buzzcocks, Guitar Wolf, Detroit Cobras, Alkaline Trio (because it reminds me of my youth) specials, Johnny Cash, As Friends Rust, Social D, shitty pop music If I know the words.


80's movies remembered for their power-ballad soundtracks, ...movies with the word "Dead" in the title, be it coupled with 'evil', 'dawn' or 'day'. I like Black Christmas(original), and most other horror films, as long as they aren't affiliated with Rob Zombie or Paris Hilton. Movies I can watch at the Drafthouse.


Arrested Development. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Curb yr. enthusiasm. Season One Twin Peaks. I miss the cable glory of Kids in the Hall, the State and Freaks and Geeks. Damn you, HBO...you cancel everything that makes me whole.


One day I will read as much as Matthew. Reading now: Black Liberation and Socialism, Haymarket Press.


my dead dog. the people.

My Blog

Thriller?! Now that’s a prison arts program!

Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 11:24:00 PST

Make me proud, Camp.

WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST THE WAR AT TEXAS STATE U.Monday-Thursday on the LBJ Mall from 11 am-1 pm there will be tables, displays, music, and distribution of black armbands to mark the fifth anniversary ...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:39:00 PST

watch this movie with me...

'cause it's too fun to quote. ...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

resurrection: a spoken word piece by Kenneth Foster Jr.

i got this in the mail the other day...resurrectionI'm the phoenix risingfrom the ashes of death rowI stand as thelove that just would not foldwe grew grassrootsunder the steel machinetheir hate could...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:28:00 PST

Martial Arts Grandmaster to host FREE Demo in Austin this Saturday, 2 PM: Be there!

Grandmaster Kim Soo, Korean native and founder of the Chayon-Ryu International Martial Arts Association, will be in Austin Saturday, September 8, 2007 at 2 PM to host a free public demonstration at hi...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:40:00 PST

Yahoo News and Huffington Post supports Kenneth Foster, Jr.!

Kenneth Foster, Jr.: An Innocent Man Texas Will Soon ExecuteSean-Paul Kelley 2 hours, 46 minutes agoGet to know this name: Kenneth Foster, Jr. You are going to be hearing a lot of it the next 30 days ...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:07:00 PST

Major support for Kenneth Foster!

The Dallas/Ft. Worth Star-Telegram ran the first of a two part series in favor of sparing Kenneth today!!!!! This case is truly blowing up and the pressure on the courts, the Board, and Perry is build...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:24:00 PST

Francis Doyle

When they killed off his character, I suppose I was upset, but I assumed in typical Whedon fashion, Doyle would be revived in some future adventure, even if just in the non-corporal. I had a massive ...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST


Matt hits me with a pillow when I get too into "the Joss". Season 8 Buffy in comic book form is sublime and I am going nuts without someone to talk about it with. My roommate is getting a crash cour...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:56:00 PST

to study the martial arts, you can't have partial heart.

What you should know about me and hopefully become a part of:I work at a traditional Martial Arts Dojang in South Austin. Kim Soo Karate is Austin's branch of the International Chayon-Ryu Martial Arts...
Posted by Cpt. L. Beth Ashen on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:20:00 PST