The id::The term id is a latinized derivation from Groddeck's das Es.[1]. It stands in direct opposition to the super-ego. It is dominated by the pleasure principle.The newborn child is regarded as being completely 'Id-ridden', in the sense that it is a mass of instinctive drives and impulses, and demands immediate satisfaction. This view equates a new born child with an id-ridden individual - often humorously - with this analogy : an alimentary tract with no sense of responsibility at either end!The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, sex and aggressive impulses, and demands immediate satisfaction. It is amoral and egocentric' ruled by the pleasure-pain principle; it is without a sense of time; completely illogical; primarily sexual; infantile in its emotional development; will not take 'no' for an answer; is without verbal representation and therefore does not enter consciousness. It is regarded as the reservoir of the libido or "love energy" (note that libido can be read also as "Lib-Id-O"!).A popular interpretation of the id is not that it is "convincing" the mind to ignore social norms, but rather in itself just does not take social norms into account when 'thinking' or 'acting'. The id is the primal, or beastlike, part of the brain, determined to pursue actions that are pleasurable, such as eating or copulation. The prime motive of the id is self-survival, pursuing whatever necessary to accomplish that goal.Your true sign may be that of The Serpent Bearer, Ophiuchus! Because of the slow shift of Earth's axis, the Sun now passes through 14 constellations, not the 12 known to the ancient Greeks. The 13th sign, Ophiuchus, corresponds to the position of the sun from approximately November 30th to December 17th.
Ophiuchii are not yet accepted into our modern Zodiac and so there is no certain personality description, so I think this is as close as you'll find to an accurate description.
An Ophiuchus will have a great learning ability early in life, possibly even skip a grade or two because they are so advanced. Young Ophiuchii will be wise beyond their years, easily understanding the concepts of life and death, and how the world works through both honesty and deception. Because of this, Ophiuchii may seem to grow up faster than their peers.
Serpent bearers, being positioned between Scorpio and Sagittarius, will have similar traits to both these. Fun-loving, self-confident, proud, witty and child-like, Ophiuchii have many friends due to their magnetic personalities. Unfortunately, most Ophiuchii are subject to bouts of depression and may also have a lazy, procrastinating side.
Many Ophiuchii also have a natural ability as a Healer, able to relieve other's pains through touch, as well as other astrological talents.