Varied and many. I play banjo mainly so a lot of my time is spent idling hours away annoying anyone within earshot.Play in sessions and do spots with a couple of groups. Would love to be able to do it full time and have been asked by one band but because I work shifts, have to do what I do and get on with it...until I change jobs. Also love flying and have recently got my PPL. Only problem with that one is available income doesnt match up with desired flying time so I dont get to go as often as I would like. Also like boaty things and most sports associated with water.
On a one to one basis, I would love to meet and have a jam with Bela Fleck.Thats the only person I can think of at the moment.On a more personal note, I have no personal preferences any more as I have found that people who I may have prejudged as boring and uninteresting have turned out to be the best of company. Likewise, people I have wanted to meet and speak to for ages have left me wanting to get away as quickly as possible so my mind is open.The only thing I want is that they should be fun to be around, interesting to talk to and not be afraid to laugh at themselves (and not hate the banjo......that leaves around .001% of the population that might talk to me now)See, I am a man of simple tastes...(or is that a simple man with no taste)You can be the Judge and Jury if you ever meet me.
Varied tastes but although I am principally a bluegrass type musician, I am not a lover of all bluegrass. I like stuff with drive and a beat, things that can get a crowd jumping about. Also like deep and strange stuff like Tom Waits produces, early blues, rockabilly, infact most stuff except mass produced cheese.
I just enjoy watching then moving on for a while. No particular favourites.
Scrubs, love the humour, Futurama, King of the Hill, in fact most comedy types. Love to watch serious documentarys too..(see, I do have an intelligent side) particularly those which explore undersea, shipwrecks etc.
Hmm, the only serious books I have are about the 1st world war and ships, rest of my books are things like the VIZ annual.
I admire people like Winston Churchill who actually did something for the country and its people as a whole.