My hair is very important to me...The secret is simple, a whole can of hairspray. That's what keeps it standing up like a man. Other than that, I enjoy taking care of my Ma, tanning, making collections, fine suits, and the goomars.
Sun Tzu, he's the Chinese Prince Machiavelli. Gary Cooper... He wasn't 'in touch' with his feelings. He just did what he had to do.
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin, Louis Prima, Lou know the list.
Goodfellas, The Godfather Trilogy, Mickey Blue Eyes, Smokin' Stogies, and Gotti. One thing's for sure, that Tony Sirico sure is a masterful actor.
Myself, of course. I lived through the 70s by the skin of my nuts when the Colombos were goin' at it. Not to mention the fact that I beat cancer.