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Free Knuckle Sandwiches

About Me

*********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***********************************************************T alk to Vinny / Mr. Make it pop off like Nuclear war on the dancefloor / Talk to the back of an italian man's hand .. **************************************************** ****************************************************** .. ******************************************************

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

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My Interests

hair, make up, fashion, your mom, film, editing, dancing, skating, mini motorcycles, doozers (from fragle rock), anime, music, art, vampires, warewolves, vampwoves, warepires, toys, shoes and customizing everything

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Roller derby babies, Betty Page, Raquel Welsh & Jack Black. Hes my hero


The Office, Jim Hensons Story Hour


Way of the peaceful warrior


Rufio, Peter Pan, and anyone who works at a no kill shelter