YOU!You wanna be a drug dealer? Literally? Join KCA @ NYU and SAY YES TO DRUGS!All students of any background, interest and personality who want to join us in working towards solutions to this preventable and treatable disease.If you aren't an NYU student you can start up a KCA chapter at your own school, contact us on how to get started and do it up!
David Bowie loves KCA. It's true.-and anyone who wants to play at our DRUG DEALER concert in Washington Sq. Park on 4/20!
"Start a virus of generosity to fight the deadly virus of AIDS. Don't be a bystander while the poor die in agony when they don't have to." -Leigh Blake who started the international organization of KCA"The more we lack the courage and the will to act, the more we condemn to death our brothers and sisters, our children and our grandchildren. When the history of our times is written, will we be remembered as the generation that turned our backs in a moment of a global crisis or will it be recorded that we did the right thing?" — Nelson Mandela-THOSE WHO ACKNOWLEDGE THE ISSUE AND TAKE ACTION TOWARD SEEING IT GONE!