What do I like the best? Making music, playing drums. Tommy Lee FUCKING ROCKS! Other than that, in no particular order: having sex, home improvement, construction and just spending time, hanging out with family and friends. I enjoy making people laugh and like to look at the brighter side of things. And video games. Gotta love a good video game.
Famous? Tommy Lee (Already met him, but it would be cool to do so again). Regular people? Anyone who doesn't think they are to cool to laugh at themselves. Everyone enjoys a good joke, right?
Everything from Godsmack to Garth Brooks! Holy fuck, wide range, huh? Some personal favorites include: Motley Crue, Saliva, Poison, Skid Row, NIN and Soil. Really, there are to many to name. Tommy Lee fucking ROCKS! And of course, my band, Khaos Theory. Check us out at: www.KhaosTheory.com Tommy Lee Motley CrueAerosmith Saliva Type O Negative The Rat Pack Frank Sinatra Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee Black Label Society
The Godfather series, (and any mob related story for that matter!), and The Rocky collection. Good comedies. I love Ben Stiller and Will Ferell. I like action movies and love documentaries.
Television ROCKS!!!!! I am a fan of Baseball. The Cubs rock!! Seinfeld RULES! Wrestling, Everybody Loves Raymond, America's Funniest Home Videos, The Sopranos. . Television is good, very good. I also like American Chopper.
Metal Edge, that's about it.