In the first feature screenplay written by Margaret Cho, Cho stars alongside comedian Bruce Daniels as Bam Bam and Celeste, longtime friends and outcasts who leave their buttoned up Midwest town for the wide open streets of New York City. Alan Cumming, Jane Lynch, Elaine Hendrix, John Cho, Wilson Cruz and Kathy Najimy provide irresistibly spirited support in this small-town-to-downtown coming of age journey. In addition to playing the title role of Celeste, Cho also plays Mommy, the hysterically funny and touching impersonation of her own mother cherished by Cho's fans. The film is directed by Lorene Machado, Cho's longtime creative collaborator on her concert films. In "Bam Bam and Celeste," Cho's outrageous and hilarious, and ultimately empowering personal voice gives birth to a film that captures her infectious spirit.
On DVD August 14th! Order yours on Margaret's website and get an autographed copy while supplies last.