claire profile picture


you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies

About Me

Life is good.

My Interests

i love..... friends, family, france, music, peanut butter, running, photography, thunderstorms, traveling abroad, music, tiramisu gelato, optimistic people, long bike rides, big cities, hand written letters, baking xmas cookies w/ my sister, road trips, laughing obnoxiously in quiet places, kids, piano, heated blankets, music, scrapbooks, making snow forts, movies, pac-man, being spontaneous, meeting new people, life

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1


will hutchinson, cruise control, zack hexum, jessie baylin, ben folds, mat kearney, ben kweller, jordan lawhead, fiona apple, postal service, red hot chili peppers, guster, wes hutchinson, ben lee, john mayor, joe purdy, geoff koch, death cab for cutie, coldplay, mc solaar, rob giles, casey shea, john mayor, brett dennen, the profits, laura jansen, cake, violent femmes, sublime, paula valstein, jimmy eat world, diana krall, ben kweller, jack johnson, eric hutchinson, tenacious d, regina spektor, kings of leon, pierre guimard.....


boondock saints, cry baby, love actually, spanglish, willow, dumb and dumber, united states of leland, the sweetest thing, serendipity, big trouble in little china, duets, my big fat greek wedding, adventures in babysitting, crash, groundhog's day, what about bob, anything indiana jones, the notebook, garden state, sleepless in seattle, over the hedge


the office, LOST, grey's anatomy, the food network


on the road, mere christianity, running with scissors, sex, drugs and coccoa puffs, the stranger, tuesdays with morrie


my momma