Jason [Fugee] profile picture

Jason [Fugee]

I have no design. I make your intention my design.

About Me

Wushu. Music. Photography. Filmography. Production. Web Development & Design. Chillen. Being social. Being anti-social. Loving. Hating. Living.Spread the word. Copy & paste to your page.Spread the word. Copy & paste to your page.

My Interests

wushu (chinese martial arts), music- preferably conscious hiphop, making music, live shows, computers, family and art.

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about me

My name is Jason but lots of my friends call me Fugee. That's a nickname that started way back when I was in the 7th grade, there's more to it but, I digress. Anyhow, welcome to my humble page. I'm a 24-year-old web developer that was born and raised in the sweltering hot city of (west) Phoenix, Arizona. I attended a HS that some would say is ghetto- Trevor G. Browne. Thinking retrospectively, it wasn't the safest school or neighborhood to grow up in. I lived through some unsafe situations- numerous times. Ghetto was just the norm. But I guess my perception on things can be all relative. I had a lot of fun in the process- thanks to my peers. I think of how my parents raised me and the situations I had experienced in the area growing up just made me a better-rounded individual. The golden years ...although I'm kinda glad that era has passed.

I enjoy many activities and hobbies but I can only hold deep interest for so long. I tend to get jaded on things I figure out too quickly or think that I may know too much about. Aside from those facts, let me cover a few highlights about myself.

I started really listening to decent music in my early teenage years. I would like to say freshman year is when it all started. In even younger years, I didn't have the luxury of cable tv when growing up so no Yo!MTV Raps for me. Television didn't have an adverse effect in my choice of music- at that time the radio did its job well reaching me, broadcasting tunes- can't say it's the same these days. Fast track back to freshman year of HS, friends and I listened to independent hiphop when at the time the internet wasn't thriving as it is now. So, it wasn't as easy to find decent music. And at the time, you really had to listen to mixtapes or cd featured artists for new artists or trust a friends opinion about new music. In the end you chose what was dope- that still holds true today.

I chose to hang out with peers that were deeply affiliated with hiphop culture. From graffiti to bboying and all the good stuff in between my peers and I did it all, or at least tried :). We actually never really sucked at the things we got into, just became less interested- speaking for myself of course. I wrote graffiti for 4 years, along with skateboarding for 4+ years, dancing (bboy) 6+ years, emceed coupled with beat making/ producing amongst friends 7+ years and practiced martial arts for a combined 10+ years. Of course, all of which overlapped at one point or another.

When I was younger, I practiced taekwondo aka takeyourdoe for 5 years or so. That's a style of martial arts I'm not too proud of studying. I was young and it was all my parents and I knew of at the time. I also trained in wushu for 5+ years. For those of you who are not inclined as to what wushu is, it simply means martial arts dubbed in mandarin- chinese martial arts. To the right of the page, theres a video of my class trailer I put together a couple years ago. Can you spot me? I love and still practice wushu till this day. Not as often as I would like but I think that's due to my being jaded with things. Nowadays, I just chill with my chick , practice wushu here and there and develop websites for a living amongst other things. Almost forgot, the most revered activity that I do the most is sit at my desk hacking away at the keyboard. I need to peel myself away from the computer, seriously. I think I left out a lot of things but this is beginning to look like a crappy memoir so, I'll stop here.

-Wait, shameless plugin- contact me if you need a website, photography, or anything graphic design related ;) On that note, leave a comment :)

-Jason / Fugee

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DynamicWushu Class Trailer 2004.

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need a website? some logos? flyers maybe? toilet paper?haha, well arent you in luck. I'll get your ish up running, whatever it may be, Ive got a handle on it, everything except for wiping your ass wel...
Posted by Jason [Fugee] on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 01:23:00 PST