USA4real is dedicated to making your search for entertainment easier. We will provide an entertainment portal through our website in every major metropolis in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia.
Our goal is to find undiscovered musical talent and bring our USA4real artists to our millions of web visitor's attention. We will give radio play to our talent by providing another alternative against the norms of pop culture radio and the TRL hip-hop MTV. Hence, the name, UPstream Radio.
We will specialize in the unheard, providing a stage for musicians to scream through their chosen art form and revive Rock N Roll again. USA4real is taking over the nation with it's musical revolution.
Add us as a friend and feel free to use our comment page to advertise your shows, your space, your latest i-tunes or mp3s. (Please no profanity, nudity, I know the fun stuff, and keep the width of your html comments within the measurements of the comment box, if it is too wide, we will not accept it.)
Listen to Upstream Radio 24/7/365 on and learn more about this exciting opportunity and the submission process:-)
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