S!X profile picture


hang me by the organs within me

About Me

There isnt really all that much to tell really,.......I wuz born In Nj,and transplanted here in central florida at the ripe age of 16 ,.....Yea talk about culture shock,...city to woods ,..............wtf do i do now ya know??.,,....hence a few close friends and a few gutiars .......... it never really abouted to much ,.....but i still loved it ,,,.......now some call me a freek ,...........i donno if that say that in a good way or not ,............who gives a shit ,They all stop and stare becuse im diffrent,well i laugh at every one becuse your all the fuking same,and besides...........good or bad,.at least there talking about ya ,.........fuck em

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Bullet For My Valentine
Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow

My Interests

now there is a interesting question,my lil girl i have to say is first and for most,she scares the shit out of me,but i love her to death ,...music,(or as i have recently heard it called noise),my cars,just generally working with my hands. keeping busy really,no mater what it is as long as i am not sitting in front of this infernal contraption,here as of late,...i have basiclly been a garage dragon,..with my "art" as i call it seems like it keeps me sane,all kinds of sorta twisted shit ,in some way shape or form,hear latly ,alot of "dramma" seems to suround me and my family,...the worst part is my "other":family is the ones causeing the problems here,i swear screwy and company is getting on my last nerve,i can feel a random senceless killing spree building up here,....
You're the Chatterer. As Pinhead's second in
command, you enjoy the tiny smidgen of power he
indulges you with (like letting you get a
make-over in HR2). But what you enjoy most is
wandering the corridors of hell, looking for
someone to 'play' with. And of course, if you
can't find anyone, you never feel too alone.
There's always the chattering of your teeth to
keep you company.

Which Cenobite are you? (includes pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Weapon Are you?"

Nuclear Bomb
You're a Nuclear Bomb! You are by far the most dangerous and destructive of all the weapons. You're also the most advanced. You're cold and completely indifferent, destroying everything you can without feeling, remorse or regret. You also leave a nasty aftertaste: Radiation. You plague people for years, poisoning and killing the ones you didn't destroy from the get-go. You are the only weapon with the true ability to destroy mankind. You're horrible......yea how fitting is thatim really not as bad as i seem,....i try to help everyone,but here latly it just seems like it doses nothing but problems for me,so who would id like to meet??,....a real person,..shrugs=- i dono ,..........judges,laywers and pollaticions(sp*) scare the hell out of me,....basiclly the human race seems like its all just heading right down the tolit,.......im waiting for momma ,.to shake us off like a bad case of the fleas........................


jessus man ,... music wise,... ehh i love just about anything really,well i really cant handle that ebonics rap shit,and as of late here i honestly dont think countrty music is all that creative,...but mainly im a metal head,... i play gutiar,,so any of thoughs metal gods that you may have worshiped as a kid,well thats proibly who i am in to ,..it is alot easier to tell ya who i dont like then who i do,..


horor,.scary ,......anything that kinda makes me think,...................and pay attention ,.or holds my attention ,....................hands down though ,.the remake of The texas Chain Saw Massacere(sp*) is by far my fav,................i get a kinda weird chill that runs up my spine when i see leather face for the first time .......-=shivers=-...............i dont care really if its a bad movie ,a home made movie ,w/e as long as it holds my attention im ok with it ,.......dosent take alot to plese me really


i dont do alot of tv,i call it kinda a escape,so i guess if i wanna escape i wanna laugh a lil ,..mabey cry a lil ,ya know,...


not a whole lot of time to actually sit down and read a book ,...i may read a few pages here and there at night,i have been reading the davinci code now for ,going on almost a year,..just with everything so crazy,,,,it is hard to find the time


any one out there that ever has been steped on,told they couldnt do something ,and look at that person and said ya know what fuck you ,this is what i do ,this is what i belive,and this is what i want ,...if you dont like it then dont talk to me,...any one that did what they did,no matter what it wuz,if your true in what you belive,it will allways turn out good,...one way or another

My Blog

Shamless Plug.......

Ok,... I guess it is about time that i actually did something with this page here,.. i mean i have had it up now for going on ......oh hell i dont know now,... Anyways This is a legitimate Shameless ...
Posted by S!X on Sun, 11 May 2008 07:46:00 PST


im just kinda sitting here ,........... hands numb,helll my heads munb for that matter ..... i just really relized how stupid Smackdow ,......has be come,...... background noise ya know.......
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Pathetic,...................sufaction ....................torment,................. im dead,..... broken beating down ,................ a wandering totchered wreck of humanity.......... a lo...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ThE ViRuS Of LiFe

Ok so what ,i know i didnt write it,.....if you know the song the you know who its written by ,...................i find it very fitting at the time being ........ I can see you but you can't see...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

just my pissing and whining

I was born&.or shall I say& I was&stricken with&this disease Called life&.penetrating my lungs& My first breath.. I struggled &..heart skipped beats& Taken from the comfort of my Mothers womb& Left to...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Disaster Peicess

i'm a wreck how do you fix that which is broken? irrepairable fuck the madness creeps in again all over it takes me back that very same darkness long ago ignored never forgotten the insati...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

why cant we just all be human....

I wuz siting at work last night ,................just sittingthere,.listing to my tunes,.......and this guy,ive never sceen him before ,tried to ask me a question......i could hear him becuse the musi...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What do you say ,when someone ask's you to explain your self???

Someone asked me to explain my self today (or last night w/e at work)......... First i said thats kinda a tough one to explain,.................so i just started rambling ,.on ,........
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

just a lil venting

..........im in one of thoughs moods ,...................where i just wanna klill everything around me ,......i move to this shit hole town ,hoping that things for me would get better,and i would hav...
Posted by S!X on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST