Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT profile picture


"Urban Cancer" in stores june 10th via Candlelight

About Me

Nefastus Dies officially took form in march 2002 when Void and Betrayal met drummer Tommy Mckinnon, bassist Auriel and finally keyboardist Iraabbas. It's at this precise moment that the band started composing as a whole and hence the primal conceptual direction was born. The band mainly focused on creating new songs and playing shows when the opportunity presented itself. At that time there was enough material to record two full length album and the band started gaining live experience through various gigs. Unfortunately, drummer Tommy Mckinnon was then asked to leave for personal reasons. Scythrawl (ex Trails of Anguish / Unquintessence) was afterwards contacted to take over the drumming duties. This marked a new step for the band's direction. After a lot of discussion the band agreed that drastic changes needed to be applied to the overall sound and concept. Most songs we're butchered then restructured in a more vicious and agressive manner. The concept was also rebuilt from scratch. Betrayal dropped vocals and focused only on guitar. They then contacted Ill-Fate (ex bassist for Winter Bestowed & Ion Dissonance) to take over the vocal dutties.
The band released gutiarist Betrayal and moved main composer Auriel from bass to guitar and went on their "A prelude of somber days yet to come" tour to promote their "Prelude" promo recording. In march they entered Yannick St-Amand's studio to record their first full length "Urban Cancer". The album will be out by then end of the year on Siege Of Amida records and through Candlelight Records in america
Contact Information
General: [email protected]
Booking in Ontario: [email protected]
Booking anywhere else: [email protected]
- HATE VECTOR :: Music Video -
.. "
All our t-shirts models and girlies are 15US$ + 5US$ shipping (CAN + USA) Our longsleeves are 20$ + 5$ shipping (CAN + USA)

My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Ill-Fate :: Vocals

Void :: Guitar

Auriel :: Guitar & Bass

Iraabbas :: Keyboards

Scythrawl :: Drums

UK/EUROPE- Plastic Head

US/CANADA- Caroline

SOAR Distributed in the US/CANADA by Candlelight Records

Influences: A good mix of melodic and agressive black metal with some death metal dynamics.
Record Label: Siege Of Amida Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Interview, F.A.Q., rumor killers.

Here is an interview we did with Heathen harvest. We'd like to thank them for giving us so much coverage and especially for the chance to clarify several issues regarding the band. We're going to be u...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:37:00 PST

News, Upcoming Tour, Album release

Been a while since we added any news so here is the band's situation right now We're leaving on our first Canada/US tour August 9th, and back home September 4th. All the dates are announced on our mys...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 07:59:00 PST

2006 Booking Please Read

Well the album is finally completed, we have copies for sale right off of here through paypal (As well as all our models of shirts) and we have it available at all our shows. It should hit stores by t...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:57:00 PST

New Songs Added + Band Update

We have finally added 2 tracks from our upcoming album. Hate Vector, and the re-recorded version of Spawns Of Illegitimacy. "Urban Cancer" will be released later this year through Deepsend Record...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 01:53:00 PST

A Prelude Of Somber Days Yet To Come Tour '06 (Ont + QC)

The band has booked a tour of Ontario with some Quebec dates to promote its promo CD "Prelude" and to spread the name Nefastus Dies before taking a break to record our first full lenght in March '06. ...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 07:48:00 PST

Nefastus Dies officialy signs to Deepsend Records

We are proud to anounce that a world wide multi-album deal has been agreed upon with americain label Deepsend records. We are confident that both parties will benefit from the alliance, as Deepsend is...
Posted by Nefastus Dies - CD OUT JUNE 10TH ON CANDLELIGHT on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:56:00 PST