Im Maynard, I listen to really heavy music. I play guitar in a band called Vicious Intent. We are very angry and have something to say.
America The sad truth is, our Gov. has been hijacked by the big corps, Bankers.For those of you who dont know the real current news, Global Warming is a proven fraud(Google "CLIMATEGATE") Swine Flu is suspectd as such as well, whick mean the vaccines are questionable at best. And a huge climate change in less than two weeks that many do not even know about ,yet it will affect them in an extremely negative way. And they are doing all this on fraudlent science???????
WAKE UP People and start conecting some dots, because time is running short.
Here are some dots to get you started, google these and youtube them as wellClimateGate
Lisbon treaty
North American Union
Agenda 21
Bilderberg Group( pay attention to who members are)
Counsel on foreign Relations( pay attention to who members are)
Codex Alimentarious
Patriot Act
Federal Reserve
Tialateral Commission
and some other ppl you should look at who they really arePrescott Bush
Arnold Swarzeneggers fatherWAKE THE FUCK UP
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