Hi! My name is Jesper Van!
I’m a musician:(A musician is a person who plays or composes music. Musicians can be classified by their role in creating or performing music)
Below you can see Projects that I’m involved with.
Alter Me www.myspace.com/alterme
Les Aventures de Commander Flash www.myspace.com/commanderflash
Looter Beats www.myspace.com/looterbeats
Stratos www.myspace.com/stratosdk
Pollastic www.myspace.com/pollastic
The Mining www.myspace.com/themining
Kloroform www.myspace.com/kloroformjazz
Stephan Grabowski www.myspace.com/stephangrabowski
MI22 Bigband www.myspace.com/mi22bigband
Besides these nice projects with very nice people, I play (Play is amusing interaction with people, animals, or toys, often in the context of learning or recration) with some
Really nice and talented musicians! I’m having fun.
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Mange piger ser godt ud langt fra, men langt fra godt ud tæt på!
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