Crasheffort is the solo project of one half of the Techno group "The Plan," on Submerge Recordings in Detroit Michigan.
Crasheffort was started by Jonathan MacNish wile still in high school, at the age of 16.
Being brough up in a house where music was celebrated, and records were plenty, Jon was introduced to numerous sounds and artist.
Crasheffort is really the resault of this, a patchwork quilt of the sounds and textures, the sounds of the 20th century filtered through the prism of 21st century tension and strife.
Come over to The Plan's myspace page and listen to the group's newly remastered and improved fallow up Record, "Plan: B"
*click to hear free Plan Mix, "Before the Colapse"*
*click to hear samples of the new Plan Mix experience, "D.Part (vol.1) Innerspace"*
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