Reading the bible, mentoring, playing with my children, my wife, helping people, networking, building business, business start ups, snowboarding, hiking, backpacking, camping, swimming, real estate, diving, etc...
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Students of God's Word
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I am looking for people that have big dreams, and a vision, a mission to help themselves and others around them! I am looking for the person/people that see the bigger things around them: the beauty of the land God made, the cool breeze in the air, or the simple gesture of a nice person...
Some Christian Music
Hero, Fearless, House of Flying Daggers, Nameless, Action, Kung-Fu, Adventure, Historical, Passion of the Christ
Shepherd's Chapel
The Bible, Strong's Concordance, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The 5 Love Languages, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, Millionaire Real Estate Mentor, The Millionaire Real Estate Mindset, As A Man Thinketh, self-improvement books.