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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
strapping young lad 3, yakuza, cripple bastards, mr bungle, fantomas,soulfly, slayer, pantera, lamb of god, motorhead, sepultura, deftones, gojira, machine head, khanate,carcass, dillinger escape plan, berzerker, eyehategod, chimaira, acid bath, crowbar, analizator, cult of luna, heaven shall burn, rage against the machine....
nacho libre, blades of glory, american history x, rompers stompers, shrek 1,2 & 3, ice age, life of brian, shaolin soccer, kung pow, freddie got fingered, jay and silent bob strike back
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priche o obichnom ludilu, riba je crvena, kad dusha umire, sto godina samoce...
tihana --
A hard-core grave robber
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