TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd profile picture



About Me

Half-sleep, staring at an impending fatal widow the mask of my downfall shining in this night of ordinary quiet. CHOOSE____ : chained to insecuty / forsaken by purity / another game of jealousy we won't get rid of. / Invisible glue quick-setting hopes, temper, resolution. Cornered by a puzzle-shaped situation no move could float to the top. Entering an era of psychotropics, sadness, asocialism then violence echoing like a whale goin' adrift to its death. CHOOSE____ : greet this phase of slavery / sink into a rien-ne-va-plus of empathy / weak human psychology every sentence a stab. Abuse me, slander my dignity, give me scars, humiliations, more piss to swallow, slice through the flesh let blood spatter until I faint divulge my defects then burst into laughter, trample on the thin shore I still dare to call "LIFE"... have fun as long as it comes my turn..

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My Interests


strapping young lad 3, yakuza, cripple bastards, mr bungle, fantomas,soulfly, slayer, pantera, lamb of god, motorhead, sepultura, deftones, gojira, machine head, khanate,carcass, dillinger escape plan, berzerker, eyehategod, chimaira, acid bath, crowbar, analizator, cult of luna, heaven shall burn, rage against the machine....


nacho libre, blades of glory, american history x, rompers stompers, shrek 1,2 & 3, ice age, life of brian, shaolin soccer, kung pow, freddie got fingered, jay and silent bob strike back


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priche o obichnom ludilu, riba je crvena, kad dusha umire, sto godina samoce...


tihana --

A hard-core grave robber

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My Blog

aaaaaaaaaaaaf <333

nabavio sam si najwepsheg mawog picage na shvetu tixi otisho u obljakeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeee ...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:53:00 PST

ja srce.....

Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo sam levo oko!Sazvakao sam ocni zivac,posisao beonjacu,izgrickao sivu masu,Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo sam levo oko!Pojeo...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:48:00 PST

just cant get enough....

of this boooooootiful video and song ...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:21:00 PST

love makes the world burn not go around

[head reversed me watching myself from an elevated view]A specular game.... waiting for the umpteenth orgasmtrying to capture that moment and channel 28 yearsin few frames showing me the sense of a li...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

oh happy days

feeling uber fuckin crap at the moment....nothing seems to be going my fucking way....neeeeeeeeed to get awaaaay grrrr....anyone willing to pay for my next trip?   ...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST


the cold wind reminds me of you and its making me sick... PLEASEEEEEE!!!!...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 04:13:00 PST

Slowly downward

CONDIMENT So one day I began collecting: I urinated into a large jar.  I masturbated and scooped my ejaculate into a second jar.  I took a knife from the drawer and made an incision on the e...
Posted by TiHaNa_tHe_bAsTaRd on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 03:58:00 PST