12 November 2007
drage/i drugarke i drugari,
od dana danasnjeg ovaj profil ulazi u prvu fazu nacionalizacije. to znaci da ce, nakon vec navrsenog test perioda, ovaj profil biti u posedstvu vise od jedne osobe. 'vise od jedne' u ovom slucaju cini dve.
dobrodosle i dobrodosli na nasu stranu. nadamo se da cemo nastaviti da zajedno uzivamo u carima networkinga ;)
sigurni smo da cemo ovim korakom pospesiti iskrenu i svrsishodnu saradnju i komunikaciju, dok cemo sa druge strane smanjiti broj bespotrebnih online smaraca i tako paznju maximalno preusmeriti na slova koja delimo sa ostatkom neta - od komentara do blogova. :)
reci ne privatnom vlasnistvu!
drugarski, marija i matija
dear friends,
from this day on, this profile is entering the first phase of nationalization. this means that, after an already finalized test period, this profile will be owned by more than one person. in this case, 'more than one' means two.
welcome to our page. we hope we'll continue enjoying all the magic of networking together ;)
we are sure that this will encourage honest and meaningful cooperation and communication, while on the other hand lowering the number of booty-thirsty online freaks. this should also help us make everyone focus a bit more on the things we write - from comments to blogs. :)
say no to the private ownership!
marija & matija
-Rosa Luxemburg