Comic Books, Robots, Vampires, Zombies, Goofballs, Meat Heads, Palookas, Hippos, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Mego Superheroes, Heavy Metal, Punk Rokk, Mysterious Babes, Old Cars, Demolition Derbys, Tuff Guy Movies, and Ninja Weapons!!!
The Robots dig Twisted Sister, Queen, Kiss, Dio, Iggy, T.Rex, MC5, Cash, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, and Kenny Robert records!
The Iron Giant, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Mad Monster Party, all of the Universal Monster Films and all Marx Brothers Films!
"The Robots are kinda like the Little Rascals if they were made out of scrap metal..."-Nova
Comics I Dig-Flaming Carrot, The Goon, Angry Youth, Acme Novelty, 8 Ball, Black Hole, Tales Designed To Thrizzle, The Planetary, Nexus, Hellboy, Daredevil, The Ultimates, Civil War(Go Team Cap),and favorite TPB's are V For Vendetta, Daredevil-Born Again, and Batman-Year One.I'm also a big fan of The Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes and Little Nemo In Slumberland & Dreams Of A Rarebit Fiend.