Golden Crown Enlightened Dharma King Master Tian Yu has reached the highest possible rank that one can attain to in one lifetime, and is thought to be the reincarnation of a high spiritual leader in a 1,700-year-old tradition. . He has been honoured by many elite leaders from other countries.For the World to Change, We Must First Change Ourselves. How? Through Hanmi?
Why HANMI? HANMI is the most powerful body of knowledge that has been kept secretly hidden underground for over 1,000 years.
Due to the world's condition & Situation of the people it needed to be known to the world. To assist and help, the people of the world to change for the better before it is to late.
Along with the Secret Teachings came a Master, who is a part of the lineage, it has been passed down through time.
Master Yu Jian Tian is the 49th holder of this HANMI SECRET Teaching.
Angelina Marie has taken refuge with the dharma king and has received many empowerments to trasmit and teach this very pure powerful dharma.
Angelina Marie is the Executive Director of Hanmi Human Resource Department and has received many empowerments from Master Yu to transmit and teach the dharma.True Knowlege is infinite power and ignorance is the stem of every evil. You can speculate about creation and what it is. You can say that creation is in the hand of god. Or you can say that creation is love and that god is the sender of love. Anyhow critisizm is never bad but respecting someone elses view points and opinions isn't bad either. Having a different opinion doesn't mean it's not true. In the end everybody knows his or her own truth and path. So in the end creation can't be discussed about. You are creation and like different opinions it is infinite.
The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non-attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances. Every god realized soul loses everything in the materialistic world. It simply means our true self, the real self of us who exists within us as our soul... the moment it reaches its pristine purity, the dross having completely removed... the physical body losing its meaning... and one truly gains Enlightenment.
Living Buddha Dechan Jueren with the Princess of Mongolia.
Living Buddha Dechan Jueren with Shinto Temple Abbott and dignitaries from Japan & the Princess of Mongolia.