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Chinyere mckenzie fans


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MySpace Comments MySpace Editor MySpace Icons Contact MySpace Table MySpace LayoutsFrom a very young age chinyere has been singing and performing; she was in a group with her brothers called "youth of today." Growing up in mossside was hard, and in 1995 gun war and unemployment was at its highest and opportunities for young people were limited. In 1995 Dekoy Dance was established, in the heart of Moss Side. Chinyere went onto work with simon webbe (before he was in blue) on performance and dancing skills. Whilst also gaining a degree in criminology and Sociology during her course she lived in Spain and learnt to speak Spanish within a year. Chinyere was then offered the chance to work and manage a company set up by Manchester City Council which was to set up a music making project to help disadvantaged youth. In 2001 Chinyere joined the chart topping band "VS" (formed by non other than Simon from blue) who then went on to have a number of hits and a hit album, supporting blue on two of their UK arena tours. Chinyere is now well on her way to setting up the biggest street dance company in the UK.This myspace is run by Donna and Jenny...

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Dekoydance was first established in 1995, as a community based dance group functioning within the heart of moss side. The initial opening saw an astounding number of 75 members on the first day and for the duration of 6 years, Dekoydance was full to it’s capacity. It was apparent that Dekoydance then stood for much more than just being another ‘dance group’, Dekoydance became a flagship to its young people and the community in which it represents. Hence the name, Dekoydance catalysed the times in which the dance group was established. In 1995 gun war was on the up-rise in moss side, unemploymentwas at its all time high, opportunities were limited and for most young people there was no hope. Dekoydance offered an escape or a'decoy’ from the negative into something positive,creating anon-competitive atmosphere where creativeexploration of movement was encouraged in its own unique way, later known as ‘street fusion’.

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Posted by Chinyere mckenzie fans on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST