David Le Bozec profile picture

David Le Bozec

About Me

My last movie "Les joueurs d'echecs" (2006)
Some drawings I made for the storyboard of the filmMy photos of gorillas (april 07):A SHIT STORY: a very silly animation film I made "on" a Moliere's book

My Interests

Some of my favorites videogames: FINAL FANTASY VII trailer (1997) ++++++++++++Another world: a masterpiece by Eric Chahi (1991)

I'd like to meet:

John Cleese, Silly walks
Monty Python: Guillaume Tell
Monty Python: The dead parrot


2001 A space odyssey, Shining, Barry Lyndon (Kubrick); Sunrise (Murnau); Hana-bi (Kitano); Ghost Dog, Dead Man (Jarmusch); La regle du jeu, La grande illusion (Renoir); Duel, Close encounters of the third kind, Schindler's list, Jurassik Park (Spielberg); Monty python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian (Jones); Baby Cart (Misumi);The adventures of baron Munchausen, Brazil (Gilliam); Stalker (Tarkovski); Rear Window, Psycho, the birds, North by Northwest (Hitchcock); Beetlejuice, Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Batman (Burton); Citizen Kane, Othello (Welles); Dark Crystal (Henson/Oz); La jetee (Marker); Reservoir dogs, Pulp fiction (Tarantino); Le roi et l'oiseau (Grimault); Excalibur, Delivrance (Boorman); Les 400 coups, La nuit americaine (Truffaut); Blade runner (Scott); Gattaca (Niccol); Back to the future, Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump (Zemeckis); Taxi driver, Ragging Bull (Scorcese); Being John Malkovich (Jonze); La montagne sacree (Jodorowski); 21 grammes, Babel (Inarritu);Le bon, la brute et le truand (Leone); La planete sauvage, Gandahar (Laloux);Apocalypse Now, Dracula (F.F Coppola); Lost in translation (S. Coppola); Zombie (Romero); The texas chainsaw massacre (Hooper); Les 7 samourais (Kurosawa); La Belle et la Bete (Cocteau); Aguirre, la colere de Dieu (Herzog); Eraserhead (Lynch); L'homme a la camera (Vertov); Porco Rosso, Le voyage de Chihiro, (Miyazaki); Shadows (Cassavetes); Paris Texas, Les ailes du desir (Wenders); The kid, Modern times, The great dictator (Chaplin); The fly, Videodrome, eXistenZ (Cronenberg); Dumbo, Alice in wonderland, The sword in the stone, Toy story (Disney); Festen (Vinterberg); Chat noir chat blanc (Kusturica); Unforgiven, Mystic River (Eastwood); Peau d'âne (Demy); Amadeus (Forman); Thin red Line, The new world (Malick); La haine (Kassovitz); Delicatessen, La cite des enfants perdus (Caro/ Jeunet); The night of the Hunter (Laughton); Irreversible (Noe); Ascenceur pour l'echafaud (Malle); Collateral (M.Mann); A bout de soufle (Godard); Midnight Express, Pink Floyd the Wall (Parker); Straw dogs (Peckinpah); Rosemary's baby, Tess, Le pianiste (Polanski); Allemagne annee zero, Voyage en Italie (Rossellini); Jour de fete, Les vacances de monsieu Hulot, Mon oncle (Tati); L'Atalante (Vigo); The truman show, Master and commander (Weir); Groundog day (Ramis); Eternal Sunshine..., La science des reves (Gondry); Elephant (Van Sant); C'est arrive pres de chez vous (Belvaux); Old Boy (Park Chan Wook), Easy Rider (hopper)...


2001 a space odyssey (AC Clarke); 20 000 lieues sous les mers, le tour du monde en 80 jours (J Verne); The Lord of the Ring (JRR Tolkien); A Fool's Fate (R Hobb); Notre Dame de paris, le dernier jour d'un condamné (V Hugo); Hamlet (Shakespeare), all Phillp K Dick books; Les fleurs du mal (C Baudelaire), La légende de la mort chez les bretons armoricains (A.Le Braz)