Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
It all started in 2003 with some friendly words of their friends and their love for the place where they live: Coimbrões. Back then Calé and Posta started rhyming with some instrumentals supplied by Ortega and others scored on the net. With them they recorded their first k7’s with improvisations. Uncompromised they were writing stuff on the streets, humbly working for higher flights; they were recording them on tape, no rushing on their part, no dates to present their work: just a will, a will to evolve. They were coming into existence without a project, but taking steps that would make them increasingly stronger and tougher! They speak of the city, were they grew up and what they saw: their lyrics focus on Coimbrões and everything it means to them. Their history, their life, experience, memories, friends or the anonymous passengers that go trough their neighbourhood without seeing what’s around… This closed circle that apparently seems a barrier to our comprehension is the mirror where many vulgar, regular situations gain their due importance. Without obligations 33 CMB evolved like any other life: small and trembling at first; now with strong arms and voices so they can be heard. Their influences being in Brazilian, Hispanic and French hip-hop and like these expressing the feelings of revolt of people that see the hypocrisy and obvious mistakes of an ignorant society stuck in outdated values and governed by who wants a fat pocket filled, they speak louder so everyone can hear. They know the path is still long, but they also know the first steps are already taken. Their lyrics are evolving, becoming deeper; they are beginning to transform the world into something special. Calé producing the sounds that lift the words spat on the faces that look the other way pretending not to see; Posta drumming your brain with rhymes, making you crazy. They are here, getting stronger. There’s no turning back: you can’t stop evolution!