People under the age of 16 will not be added to my profile or friends list, the existing young people here will be left as they are until they decide to remove themselves from this profile, children are using fake ages and pictures to get on here, if your under 16 then do not press friend request as your request will be denied, its makeing me really mad when children add me and then their parents find out and then i get the messages asking me why i added then when they faked the whole age thing in the first place, So if your under 16 then do not add me as the messages i get from parents are not welcome here!! Please make the right decision on this and choose your friends wisely and be safe as i know some of you like to add friends just to add them at whatever age but thats not always wise even if you are attached to an older person because you feel you know them and they are nice to you, i dont want to hurt anyones feelings over it and thats why i havent deleted the young ones who remain here for the time being, If your under 16 then do not add me because i will press "Deny" on your request. Thanks for reading this and be safe on my space.****************************Angryness***************** ************** ***********ANGRYNESS'S GENERAL INTERESTS ARE:*************
Stopping the world being evil before it ends itself due to people being full of hate like they are now. It dissapoints me so much when im Defeated, Damaged and Hurt permanently by one person who cares less how people are around them that they affect... is that thick and stupid or what?? WARNING: ANY RUDE, NEGITIVE OR OFFENSIVE COMMENTS DIRECTED TOWARDS OTHER USERS USING MY PROFILE WILL BE DELETED **********************I WOULD LIKE TO MEET:***********************
Anoyone who knows what mates are . . . Please! anyone who wants just a stable friendship and does not lie, cheat, steal, do secret things, and lie to 2 people at once about what youve done. None of the bad things above please. My Special Friends box
Sivil Syko
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Treating music like a job to make it a career!!
MY SOUNDCLICK HERE**************************************
* Eric *
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