I am interested in people...all kinds of people. The more diversity the better. I read, write, watch NBA basketball, enjoy the company of friends and making new ones. I have an appreciation of the visual arts and practice a little sketching myself.
It is in simplicity that the wonders of life can be discovered and appreciated. It may be the touch of someone's hand, the beauty of a rose, watching a young child delight in new discoveries, solving a puzzle, laughing until your stomach hurts, sharing a fun time with friends, dark chocolate melting in your mouth, or sinking into bed after a long day.
The universe exists in a drop of water, a microcosm of everything that is. The secret of the universe lies within you, within each cell of your body. You need not get on a jet to travel. Experience is within your mind, be it joy, pain, or sorrow. Whether you are locked within a cell in the dark recesses of a prison or high above the city streets with a penthouse view, your experience and interpretation of life is within your mind.
It is not wealth nor lack of it that detemines your experience. You may possess great wealth yet experience a pitiable life, or you may not have much money yet live a rich and fulfilling life. While some things may be out of your control, your experience, your mind, belongs to you.
The birth of creation comes within the mind. The power of the written word comes not only from the author, but by the reader who interprets it. While we live we put out an energy that is felt by all around us. We might not even be aware of the effect we have on other people, because we are so wrapped up in our own condition. Sometimes, too late, we become aware of that energy field when it is gone. The light is out and we feel the void. It is then that we realize the importance that we all have to each other.
Each person we meet,along our journey,is a connection on some level whether brief or extended through an exchange of energy. Love is an energy that each of us creates within ourselves, much in the way that light is an energy that is sent out by our sun. When you send out love, that love touches each person to whom you come in contact, much as the sun's energy touches you. In turn, those people touched by you with your love will pass that love along...and so on. A simple smile can brighten someone's day and thereby brighten the world.
I would like to meet others who are also interested in the current human condition and would like to see a change in the direction this world is going. Those of you who also believe that even as individuals we can bring about change by how we conduct ourselves to each other. Even small acts of kindness and respect fly thousands of miles on the wings of butterflies to spread amongst others across our small and intrinsically interconnecte planet. A smile can brighten someone's day. So smile and brighten our world with your warmth and love.
(I honor the spirit in you;
I recognize that we are all equal)
Meet My Beautiful Friends
Notice there is a light which eminates from them...
It is no accident their presence provides a glow...
Their spirit and love moves through them...
It touches everything they touch.
You see it on their faces and in their art...
Magically, it travels through time and space.
Their light, their grace, which...
Shows up on my page
That life energy, which exists in them...
Exists in you, too.
I love many kinds of music from jazz, soul, classical, R&B, rap, hip-hip, rock ...
Remember the Titans is my favorite movie. I also loved Crash and Ali.
I can also highly recommend the book,"1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. It reviews movies dating back to 1902!!! Each movie is highly rated. It is fun to browse through with pictures from each movie and a short description of what the movie is about.If you use this book along with a Blockbuster.com membership, you will never have to watch a bad movie ever again.Really!!!
I love CSI(Miami and New York),Law and Order (Special Victims Unit), NBA basketball, CNN news, and documentaries...
I love to read , especially true crime and anything on forensics. I primarily stick with nonfiction topics.
My heros are the The Dali Lama for his words on kindness, Martin Luther King Jr. for his vision of people respecting and loving each other, and Arnold Schwarzenegger for his accomplishments, reinventing himself multiple times, his boldness to think on a grand scale, and his desire to contribute to making this a better world.