Urban Scout profile picture

Urban Scout

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Rewilding unschooler-hunter-gatherer-cultivator-filmmaker with a blog. Reclaiming my indigenousity.

Check out this video where Urban Scout Rescues Derrick Jensen:I also make silly shorts when I have free time... these are all like 5 years old now... fuck.

My Interests

Surviving industrial collapse, creating life beyond civilization; 7 generations strong, whistle-blowing, setting boundaries and respecting others, sewing my own clothes, cooking good food, body ecology diet, paleo diet, fermenting food, sitting around a backyard campfire, making stuff with sticks and stones and bones, hanging out, surfing the internet, sitting alone and watching animals and shit, riding my bike, going to bars and not drinking or smoking but living vicariously through my friends who do, seeing my friends in large groups, dance parties, modeling, sipping black tea and reading anti-civilization/pro-indigenous books, having long caffinated talks with people I barely know about how fucked civilization is, watching the revolution from the edge, getting covered in mud (or not) and then hiding, fine dining, having apocalypse dreams, meeting new people, hating what deserves to be hated, making plans, playing in the woods, playing in the city, pretending I'm living after the collapse of civilization.

I'd like to meet:

Unschoolers, Anarchists, Primitivists, Anarcho-primitivists, Former Hippies, Environmentalists, Hip-Sensory-Aware-Socialites, Survivalists, Activists, Trackers, Permies, Cynics, Non-voters, Cave dwellers... and always, MORE SCOUTS!


bird songs, grasshoppers, wind in the trees, frog chorus's, elk bugles, raccoons lament, rolling rivers, baby deer mews, squirrel chattering, geese honking, falling rain, farm animals, mid-to-late-nineties Punk Fucking Rock.


The Gleaners and I, Rabbit Proof Fence, Road Warrior, Pan's Labyrinth, Princess Mononoke, Pom Poko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Over the Edge, Rock'n Roll High School, The 400 Blows, The Warriors, Pump Up The Volume, The Outsiders.


UCB: Since the dawn of civilization they have existed in order to undermine it. Fuck TV.


Tom Brown Jr, Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen, Joseph Campbell, Martin Prechtel... Check out my booklist


They say there ain't any heroes no more, well I'm gonna give 'em back their fucking heroes. No seriously though, that kid with the razor sharp boomerang in Road Warrior, he's my fucking hero. Also Crooked Finger, a Molalla indian who did not go quietly into the night.

My Blog

Highway To Hull: Nixtamal & The 24 Hour Taco

Despite the following blog detailing my experiments, I still have no idea how to nixtamalize corn. Even after finding a video on YouTube, I still have a zillion unanswered questions. Though I have mos...
Posted by Urban Scout on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:17:00 PST

Urban Scout Discovers Cure For Cancer!

I don't see any other gentle way of saying this; I have cancer. Don't freak out now, it won't kill me. I found out a while ago, but haven't said anything because I wanted to learn more about it before...
Posted by Urban Scout on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 04:20:00 PST

The Art of Rewilding in 5 minutes

watch it here.
Posted by Urban Scout on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:05:00 PST

Resistance Vs. Rewilding

When I think of "resistance movements" I envision a small group of people resisting against a much larger and all-powerful militarized machine. To think of civilization as an all-powerful death machin...
Posted by Urban Scout on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:44:00 PST

Primitive Skills Vs. Rewilding

I have always used the term primitive skills to refer to things like making hand-made tools such as the bow and arrow or the the social systems such as tribal organization or educational systems such ...
Posted by Urban Scout on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:24:00 PST

Swept Up In "Cob" Mentality

An Open Letter to the City Repair Project, from your not-so-friendly, collapse-wary, hard-up Urban Scout.Dear The City Repair Project,You don't really know me, but I know you. I have to say, it took m...
Posted by Urban Scout on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:11:00 PST

Gus Van Sant ...More Primitive Than Me?!?

I've noticed many people, including myself become wrapped up in the idea that because many indigenous cultures had sustainable subsistence strategies that means their customs will work for everyone. T...
Posted by Urban Scout on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 03:16:00 PST

Week17: "The First Rule of Archery Club Is..."

read it here.
Posted by Urban Scout on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:48:00 PST

Forces of Culture & The Power of Need

When a violent storm rips through an ecosystem it has no moral values guiding it. When it up-roots trees and drowns animals, it does not feel bad for them. Well maybe it does, but the nature of the st...
Posted by Urban Scout on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 02:44:00 PST

If Only This Straw Man Had a Brain

John Zerzan did a talk at (The Dreaded) Reed College a few weeks back. One of the Reed professors accused John of idealizing indigenous peoples, in the age old tradition of the "noble savage."Read the...
Posted by Urban Scout on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:09:00 PST