Roundtable Presents profile picture

Roundtable Presents

About Me

Since early 2004, Roundtable Presents has grown into a leading production and event coordination company specializing in live performance. Roundtable is an entertainment company, a website and, most importantly, a destination for thousands who fill the venues Roundtable works with to produce custom-tailored live music for area events.Roundtable is a resource of professional talent and contractors that provide a range of entertainment services that include talent buying, sound engineering, lighting production, and musical entertainment that we collaborate with to create a wide-range of live entertainment events from bar and restaurant venues to outdoor festivals and charity functions. So its fitting that our founders are music business veterans, having years of experience in entertainment production and performance.Roundtable is aggressive in its pursuit of leveraging technology to achieve greater efficiencies and extending its reach to those we serve; venues, music professionals and fans alike. provides an active network for these groups and has become a robust infrastructure serving the regional live entertainment community.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 4/19/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: The Emmitt Nershi Band- Wed April 16 at ABC
Type of Label: None

My Blog


So you wanna play Appalachian Brewing Company, huh? Here's what you gotta do:   Send us a press kit. And keep it simple, please. We don't like getting gigantic packages in the mail. It's ...
Posted by Roundtable Presents on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:31:00 PST

Open Mic at ABC Returns

The Abbey Bar at Appalachian Brewing Company (50 N Cameron St, Harrisburg PA) and Roundtable Presents are pleased to announce an exciting new Open Mic Night at ABC every Thursday at 9PM.   ...
Posted by Roundtable Presents on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 08:33:00 PST