Portrait Of Tears .Cercasi Bassista Urgentemente profile picture

Portrait Of Tears .Cercasi Bassista Urgentemente

Portrait Of Tears

About Me

Born in the 2004 as a gothic metal band, the Portrait of Tears, after some changes in the line-up, record their first demo "Lost in Tears" in the same year. Their performance in various clubs between the 2004 and 2005 like Transilvania Live, Rolling Stones, Sitting Bull and Zoe Club have been appreciated by the audience. In the 2005 they took a break, followed by a final parting. Ireth, the founder, guitarist and songwriter, in the 2007 refound the band, with a larger influence of rock music, while keeping the gothic atmosphere. The choice of the new singer, Angelo Oscuro, has been crucial: she has given both mildness and a plenty of guts to the songs. Dani, the drummer, and Nicholas with his bass guitar, having in common a passion for more extreme kind of music, have enriched both the songs and the band itself. After the realization of their demo "My paradise", the band will start performing live. ......

My Interests


Member Since: 2/13/2007
Band Members: .. "
add me on msn if you want: [email protected]

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add me on msn if you want: [email protected]

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Sounds Like: ENDORSED BY

Record Label: Portrait Of Tears
Type of Label: None