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More Jude Songs
Even More Jude SongsHey, it's me, Jude. I was born outside of Boston. My Dad used to sing us songs all the time on his folk guitar, and my mom would sing with us in the car, probably like a lot of you. It was great. Then I grew up. Then I moved to Los angeles where I really started writing. I played some open mikes and got some attention, made a red tape to sell at shows, made 430 N. Harper Ave., and then it kept going. Got lost in the Warner Records vortex for a while, toured around the world, on the radio, met a lot of huge stars and played with some of them. Fell off the mountain and most of them lost my number - wait, at one point ALL of them lost my number. That's ok, I got a great new phone now.
These days, I only care about you, and being in your car, or staying on your iPod, which seems like it's working. You can find my songs in stores, at, on Itunes, or just from your friends. Please keep passing them along - that's why I keep writing. My little children, my songs. Come and say hello at our real home, ...and no, I'm not sporting this much facial hair (below) anymore, although it's always fighting to come back. If you're REALLY missing the beard (or the sideburns), you should check out my side project, the Low Stars, which is threatening to take over the world! Click on us above and watch all the madness, or go pick up a copy at Starbucks in February. And yes indeedy, that's me/us singing on What About Brian every monday night. See you out there.
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