Statistin profile picture


†Can you see where the Angels are?†

About Me

Take this banner for your myspacesite!!!
Bilder mit freundlicher Genehmigung
(c) Uwe Bartzsch 2006
The second Banner for our site!!!!!!!
The Group!!!!! you are not a friend and a member of the Negativefriend - Group?
Than come on and be a friends of us!
You scored as The Angel of Death. You have a Death obsession. You are not afraid of death, and you love the idea of death, which scares people away from you. You see the beauty in death that most people can not. Furthermore, you are the helping hand that leads others to the afterlife.

The Angel of Death




Guardian Angel


Fallen Angel




The Anti-Heroine





Are you an Angel or a Demoness? (anime pics)
created with
You Are 80% Weird
You're more than quirky, you're downright strange.
But you're also strangely compelling, like a cult leader. How Weird Are You?
You Are 64% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
___________10 Reasons for relationships___________
___________ ___________
-If you are sometimes in pain you can think on somebody you need and you know you are not alone.
-If you are happy there are even a person they would be happy with you
- Sex with someone is better as Sex alone XD
-You can say: "There is someone at home!"
-You can be jealous and show your love person how much you are in love
-you can be romantic
-You can feel the love of someone
-You knwo not everyone hates you
-If the person left you, you can be open for new things and you can learn about the thing why the person had left you. so you can be a better lover for someone new.
-When your girlfriend or boyfriend looks nice you can everyone show how sexy your parnter is!!

My Interests

just music!


I'd like to meet:

Check out my fucking Cuties^^!!!

das hat Poison~Girl im deutschen Forum gepostet ^^ das Schlumpfenlied in Sör-Version

Sagt mal, von wo kommst du denn her?
(Aus Tampere bitte sehr)
Sehen alle da so aus wie du?
(Nein, die sind nicht so hübsch wie ich)
Kannst du schöne Lieder spiel..n?
(Ich bin der Gitarren-King)
Spiele uns einmal was vor
(Ich spiel aber nur für..n Chor)
Der Sängerschlumpf fängt an.
So, singt mal mit
La la la . . .
Und nun der Gitarrenschlumpf
La la la . . .
Und nun alle zusammen
La la la . . .
Habt ihr Wände beim PC?
(Ja uns tut der Kopf schon weh)
Findet ihr denn pink auch toll?
(Weiß nicht was die frage soll)
Hab doch nur ganz lieb gefragt
(Und ich hab..s auch nur gesagt)
Findet ihr den Sör denn fein?
(Wir woll..n immer bei ihm sein)
La la la . . .
Hey, wir sind hier nicht in der Badewanne
Du, muß das wirklich sein?
Yes Sir
Lala la
Warum seid ihr denn versört?
(Weil sich das hier so gehört)
Nehmt ihr den Sör auch mit ins Bett?
(Ja. sonst sind wir nicht komplett)
Seid ihr etwa noch zu retten?
(Nur von Kris in unsren Betten)
Was mögt ihr am liebsten tun?
(Schwärmen ohne auszuruh..n)
La la la . . .
(by Poison~Girl)


~Negative~ Negative ~ "Planet Of The Sun"

~Bloodpit~ ~t3chnophob1a~

My Blog


Posted by Kissa on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:07:00 PST


"> ...
Posted by Kissa on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:32:00 PST

~Negative~ ^^">...
Posted by Kissa on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:00:00 PST

Seven Circles/ The 69 Eyes/thepussybats and more

Do you wanna know what the future will be like? Do you wanna know the creature that will surprise a whole world when its existence is proven within a few years? Do you like metal with Rammstein like v...
Posted by Kissa on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:21:00 PST