Jonne_Liimatainen profile picture


Hey hey, my my Rock and roll can never die

About Me

Jonne Aaron liimatainen was born at Tampere University Central Hospital in the end of August 1983, so he..s a Virgo... The exact date is the October.
Jonne is the second oldest child in his family, he has a younger brother (born -86) and also an older brother (born -77). His older brother is Negatives manager.
Jonne about influences of the band: "Our influences derive mostly from 1980's. Our common favorite is Guns 'n Roses. Looks are more like Hanoi Rocks." Since he was 12, known that he wants to write music. He says the he realized it when he heard some guy playing ordinary rock music with an acoustic guitar. "That..s all it took" he clamis.
Earlier, before the band get successed, Jonne worked at a kindergarden for 1 and a half year, as a trainee. "You can learn anything from the children. At least honesty. The kids are honest and they say the truth. For example: 'Jonne, you look like a girl.' OK, probably I look like a girl, then." The children taught him important facts about life...German
Bio Jonne
Name:Jonne Aaron Liimatainen
Sternzeichen - Jungfrau
Augen - Blau
Größe - 178 cm
Gewicht - 59 kg
Lieblingsgericht - Chinesisch
Lieblingsgetränk - Wasser und Kaffee
Schlechte Angewohnheit - immer zu spät
Idol - Dave Lindholm
Lieblingsfilm - Goodfellas
Motto - 'Elämä on appelsiini: Das Leben ist eine Orange'
Favorit der eigenen Songs - Still alive
Jonne hatte nach seinen Aussagen eine harte aber keine schlechte Kindheit hinter sich. Das Gitarrespielen lernte er von seinem Vater... Seine Mutter trank viel, so brachte ihn sein Bruder Tommi in ein Heim und Jonne brach jeglichen Kontakt zu seinen Eltern ab. Nachdem er mit 12 Jahren Guns n' Roses im Fernsehen gesehen hatte, stand sein Entschluss fest irgendwann eine Band zu gründen... so gründete er 1997 zusammen mit seinem Schulkollegen Janne (Jay) Negative. Auch Antti trug von Anfang an zu der Band bei. Seine Großmutter ist für Jonne eine ganz große Persönlichkeit, sie schenkte ihm auch den Rosenkranz, den er immer um den Hals trägt... Zu seiner Familie zählen auch zwei Brüder: Tommi, der Manager von Negative und Ville, Sänger in der Band Flinch). Mittlerweile hat Jonne wieder telefonischen Kontakt zu seinen Eltern
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My Interests

Contact: [email protected] (we dont know if it works)
Birthday: 30.08.1983
Band members Negative:
- Jonne Aaron - Vocals
- Larry - Guitar
- Christus - Guitar
- Antti - Bass
- Jay - Drums
- Snack - Keyboards


A rock band should sound and look like a rock band. However, eyeliners, stapled belts and leather pants come in second for Negative wouldn’t exist without its true talent and excellent songs.

Negative was founded at the end of 1997. Already at the early stages of its career Negative gained a reputation as an intensive live band which provides the audience with catchy melodies and guitar riffs. One of the great source of inspiration for Negative has been Guns’n Roses. The band itself labels the music as ”emotional rock’n roll”.

”Love is Right Now So don’t Close your Heart, I’ve been waiting All my Life for this Moment of Our Love with You”.

Negative, bursting with sexual energy, has found many true fans long before its debut album. The chatroom on the band’s website is crowded with excited fans, and live gigs take the audience on an unforgettable journey, close to the state of hysteria.

Antti (bass) and Jay (drums) combined with Larry and Christus (guitars) provide a strong basis for Jonne Aaron’s iintense vocals.Negative combines sensitive ballads with a tough live act forming a mixture truly of its own. The band has all it takes to make it abroad, and interest has already surfaced outside the boundaries of Finland.

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Queen, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, The Beatles, Muse, The Rolling Stones


Forrest Gump, Goodfellas, Scarface


Elvis, Freddie Mercury, W. Axl Rose, John Lennon, Mikko Kuustonen, Dave Lindholm, Rauli Badding Somerjoki...