Elodea profile picture



About Me

Elodea is a four-piece from Slovenia using their music and ideas as a reflection on decaying world, its culture and sickened humanity. Their roots go back in 1999, but shortly 3 years of silence follows. The hiatus brings the new line-up and lets the musical course into something far more sinister. Call it hardcore, sludge, doom, whatever... The song writing grows and develops within frames of dimness and depression, though there's still plenty of room for beauty and emotions...


T SHIRT: S, M, L or XL - 10 + shipping
CD: 8 + shipping

My Interests


Member Since: 5/12/2005
Band Website: spreadtheelodea.com
Band Members: Ivo, Milos, Vili & Paulo
Influences: His Hero is Gone, Acrid, Systral, Acme, Fear is the Path to the Dark Side, Ire, Neurosis, Creation is Crucifixion, My Dying Bride...
Sounds Like: "The wings of tragedy are progressively blackening our man-made world corrupted. Chaos is riding and dimness is destroying faces in agony. The one chosen to save the world, dragged into the sea of today's life evils, lose faith in majesty. Eternal is now the pain; 'Cataclysmic' is its darkest epitaph.''
Record Label: Fuck Yoga - Basemen Apes Ind.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

06.11.2007 Iscemo basista...

Zopet problem v bendu. Dean se je odlocil, da gre nazaj studirat in tako smo ponovno brez basista. Bass frstekarijo imamo svojo, tako da nam manjka le nekdo, ki bi bil pripravljen na 1x do 2x tedenske...
Posted by Elodea on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 05:15:00 PST

29.06.2007 New members, new chapter...

So it's true, there's new blood running through the veins of Elodea. A guy named Vili, who heroically gave us a helping hand after our old drummer Gasper had chosen not to go on tour, has become a ful...
Posted by Elodea on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:38:00 PST

05.03.2007 Problems with the vinyl  help needed

Seems like everything is working against us when it comes to 'Cataclysmic' vinyl. After so many complications and delays, things finally started to look better for us, but worse for Good Samaritan Rec...
Posted by Elodea on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST

21.02.2007 Iscemo novega clana....

Torej, iscemo cloveka, ki bi se bil pripravljen ukvarjat s sempli in obogatit bend se z dodatnim vokalom. Vaje so v Vrhniki/Ajdovscini 1x na teden/mesec ali dva, odvisno od volje... ce slucajno koga z...
Posted by Elodea on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:00:00 PST

14.10.2006 Elodea tour is cancelled...

I'm sorry to tell you our whole European tour is cancelled. It seems like we didn't learn anything from the last year experience and did completely the same mistake  started booking the tour too late...
Posted by Elodea on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:48:00 PST

26.09.2006 Spread The Elodea!

Our debut Cataclysmic has been available since September 1st and is well spread by now. In case you're too lazy to send us 8 euros + something extra to cover the shipping costs, you can also get yours...
Posted by Elodea on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:11:00 PST

06.07.2006 New record, new t-shirt...

So, what's new? Vinyl version of "Cataclysmic" is still not done, but everything is ready to hit the pressing plant any moment. I suppose we will have it by the end of July. Release date for CD is set...
Posted by Elodea on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 12:41:00 PST

21.02.2006 ''Cataclysmic'' songlist

Recording, mixing and mastering season for the upcoming full-length record 'Cataclysmic' is behind us. Here's a songlist: 1.Thanatos2.Jaret...(the one who's rising)3.Cataclysmic4.Un Monstre Et Un...
Posted by Elodea on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:35:00 PST

18.01.2006 new t-shirts

We still have some t-shirts (L and M size only!) Ivan (http://www.fuckyoga.tk/) did for our short Balkan tour. Available for 6 euros in grey colour only.....
Posted by Elodea on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:55:00 PST

02.08.2005 Demo tape 2004...

So the tape we promised for so long finally hit the surface. Both Zoran and Ivan did a great job and we're definitely looking forward to work with them in the future. Get a copy through www.storminsi...
Posted by Elodea on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST