Hell-eluja maniacs!!!
We are The Nocturnal Battle of Chariots zine from Poland, but most of you know us as Nad Brzegami Czasu - that was the first name of zine. The "tNBoC" website was founded by Aruzz (now @ Foreshadow Productions) in late 2001 and so far we can show to you over 1500 reviews and over 200 interviews with international, but mostly Polish musicans. We write about music because it's our passion, not because we must :)
We co-operate with many serious (small & big) labels/bands/magazines/portals - but we are still totally U N D E R G R O U N D! Do not hesitate and contact us! If someone is interesting in sending to us some demo/promo shit just enter the url: http://www.nbc.art.pl/nbc.php?dzial=redakcja for postal adres. We are reviewing music from rock to hardest type of metal and other weird stuff (just take a look at our past reviews/interviews).
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
P A T R O N A T M E D I A L N Y:
Effect Murder - "Death Live"
So I Scream - Bessoted Children of the Modern World