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Someone who likes to dance and fly as well as I do, lol.AOL: Casexyguy or YAHOO: Underwearmode80The Real TravNasty Dance
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Just doing what I do.
Crash, The Secret, Pay It Forward, Closer, Wicker Park, Alfie, L.A. Story, Moulin Rouge, Magnolia, Slackers, Borat, Derailed, Wedding Crashers, Hot Rod, 300.
I am also a sucker for those reality shows, especially the rounds of auditions for American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance... where do these people come from? The Amazing Race, the absurd Japanese game shows, Food Network, Planet Earth, Discovery channel, Dating shows and a lot of financial shows on CNBC.
When God Winks, DaVinchi Code, The Notebook, 5 people you meet in Heaven, Think and Grow Rich. Awaken the Gaint Within, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Frogs into Princes, The Power of your Subconcious Mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Reframing, 48 Laws of Power, Utopia, Magic In Action, The Game, Conversations with God.
My mom.