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About Me

I enjoy all thing's vintage from the 50s & 60s. I am related to the late great pin-up artist Vaughan Bass. My page is dedicated to him. This portrait is of the late Mrs. Bass and the original oil painting (as well as others) is hanging in my aunt's house! Funny how I grew up looking at it and never knew I'd later be interested in pin up culture. My aunt has told me stories of the ladies that would come and model for her father and how her and her mother were often used as models too. He created the "Wonder Bread Girl" in the 1950s using my aunt (as a child) as his model. His portrait of President Dwight D. Eisenhower is in the Smithsonian institution in Washington D.C. The men in my family have all been into restoring cars too ... all of this must have been subliminally ingrained in my psyche and influenced my interests today.Here's another cutie: The man himself:

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My Interests

1940-1950's vintage/nostalgia, rock n' roll music, New Wave, 80's, Hawaiiana, hula/tahitian dancing, tiki bars (The Bahooka), swing dancing, EBAY! The Bombshells

I'd like to meet:

David Bowie,Johnny Depp,Orlando Bloom


(Music from the 60-80's) Rock, glam, punk rock, rockabilly, country, authentic tahitian drumming...


Labyrinth, Jason & the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans....Fantasy, Comedy, Action in general


Americ's Next Top Model, Price Is Right (Plinko and Bob!), Captain Scarlet, Young Ones, Ab Fab, Are you Being Served?, King of the Hill, Family Guy, CSI, Law & Order


Sue Grafton, Edward Gory, Shakespeare

