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B-laqk 24oz.
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"; ABOUT B-LAQK 24oz. 24oz. 24oz.
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B-Laqk 24oz.Chi-Town's
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B-laqk 24oz.
Pushin In Da Club
Pushin In The Club
B-laqk 24oz feat. A.P
CLICK HERE Tracks Engineered By AllBangersLook @ Him
feat. Shayla G
"CLICK HERE Shayla G" FNF First Lady
What Dat Do
feat. Sweets of Jane Chronicals
B-laqk's words of wisdom Chicago is a city that represents loyalty and trust, but most of all family. Out off all the other cities I been to, Chicago niggas are the realist. Chicago artist are the most original and are the ones that are usually the most versatile. But painfully the ones who are mostly overlooked and under estimated. It's time we need to start grouping up together and stop hating on one another and push each others music like those other "snap rappers". I heard my nigga Nas say " Hip Hop is dead", and sadly to say for a quick minute I was agreeing with him. But thanks to some close friends words of wisdom, they brought me out of that sick way of thinking. Naw Hip Hop ain't dead, like my nigga Buzz B, from Lordz of the Fly say- It's just in a coma right now. Len Adams of Jaguar Entertainment expressed that "Hip Hop is not dead, it is and always will be a way of life and is very much alive" and Latoya Blaqk of Katstaxxx Entertainment say, "Hip Hop is Alive!", " If hip hop is dead, it's because of the radio stations. We as Chicago rappers need to trust in our ability to M.C. and be loyal to not only ourselves but to hip hop by remaining to be that fresh breathe of air in todays music. Right now is our time...... CHI-TOWN stand up.....ALL U other cities SIT DOWN.............................................."24"!!!!B- Laqk 24oz's To Do List 1). Write the hottest rhymes. 2). Record in the best studios. 3).Click up with the realest niggas.
4). Stack cash.
5). Promote self.
6). Get buzz.
7). Get signed.
8). Rock the biggest shows.
9). Save hip hop.
10). Take over the world.
B-laqk 24oz's Story of the month None Posted Yet.
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B-Laqk 24oz.
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24's Quotable
Tuesday heart break, reminds Me of a song- from Mr. Wonder. Distant screams, a women yelled out, thats were the shots come from... Across the street a alcy Pointed over towards the balcony. Hip Hop has been murdered In braud day, a what a tragedy. Once happily, but now- Ever ended off with a casualty. The melody reminds me of a song I wrote.......
B-laqk 24oz.Coming Soon!
B-laqk 24oz.
Is Hip Hop Dead?
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