Mental Giant is a three piece rock band from Lakeland, FL consisting of Dubs on vocals and guitar, Jacob on drums, and Tosh on vocals and bass. We believe music has the power to open hearts, open minds, and open doors of communication. We believe music is more than art, but a tool for change. We believe music can help feed the hungry in Africa, ease the pain of those afflicted by HIV/AIDS, shed light on the pursecution of the Roma people in Europe, and raise awareness for the homeless, poor, and the less fortunate. If you are a concerned citizen who would like to help but don't know how, please visited our blog for suggested websites to help you in your decision to give your time, talent, and money to a worthy cause.******************************************************
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*************** ******************************WE ARE FINISHED WITH THE EP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to all the songs over and over again so you know the words for our next show. It's a;ways a good time. A big THANK YOU goes out to Matt Wilbur & Chris Harry for recording and mixing the whole thing for us. BE SURE TO PICK UP A COPY AT EVOLUTION RECORDS IN LAKELAND, FL!!!!!!!! Thanks.
-Mental Giant
My Interests
Member Since: 2/9/2007
Band Members: Dubs: vocals/guitar
Jacob: drums
Tosh: vocals/bass
Type of Label: None
My Blog
Non-Profits and Websites 4 change
Non-Profits & Missions: www.childrenintheson.comwww.gbgm-umc.orgwww.habitat.orgwww.c Posted by Mental Giant on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:27:00 PST