About Me
I am meez. I live in the middle of the woods and listen to loads of psychobilly.
I'm fine now fanx ^-^I pretty much always just do what I want to, No gods, No managers.I say I hate most other people. But i'll be nice to you if your nice to me... eventually!
I have fucking AMAZING friends. M.T.D Fo' Life and Bedale Punk Crew.
"Hell will hold no surprises for us".
I'll love them forever and a day.
x x x(A) (a)
x x xI have all the time in the world at the moment.
I'll probably never change, my personality can be somewhat caustic.
I've decided of recent, that it's probably best that I make my own luck.
I've paid for all my sins in extremley bad luck in 20 short years, so there's few things I fear.
Apart from clowns. Awahhhh!
We all want a better tomorrow. (Hopefully one without clowns).
I'm not perfect, and i'm slowly accepting it.
Finding beauty in someone elses imperfections is what love is about.
That, and sharing needles.
For: My mates, My angry punk chav boy, late nights, fights, drinking, falling in love, making clothes, sealife center, icepops, dying hair, sitting in the street, boots, braces, laughs, occasional use of narcotics.I don't trust anyone til they earn it.
But I care for my mates more than anything, I wouldn't give them up for the whole world.
I get told i'm prettier in real life than in photographs all the time, i'm glad it's not the other way round :)
I'm little, a bit inky, stabbed in places, cynical, pretty raj in general, but I can also be a reet laugh and i'm extremley loyal.
On the other hand I take alot of impressing so you might aswell not bother blud.
Although I have all the friends I need...i'm not opposed to meeting new people to have a pint with ;)
I guess our time here is too short to fill it with assholes, but if you don't fit that criteria then feel free to add me.
Can be a pure diamond, but i'm mostly a cock.
But if I happen to like you, i'll defend you til death.
♥Viva Hate.♥
x x x"Never take your loved ones for granted: they could be gone tomorrow"
all of my dreams seem to fall by the side like a discarded thought or the day's fading light,
but I know that if I could just see you tonight, forever, at times we may fall,
like we all tend to do but I'll reach out and find that I've run into you,
your strength is the power that carried me through, forever, Your kindness for weakness I never mistook, I worried you often, yet you understood that life is so fleeting,
these troubles won't last, forever, inspired me truly you did from the start to not be afraid and to follow my heart, there's a piece of you with me they can't tear apart, forever"♥♥♥