art of all forms(painting, sculpture, music, film, all medias), motorcycles, obscure science, starting a religion of sound and music, scheming and dreaming, sideburns, mustaches, extreme facial hair, giants, acromegaly, tire castles, messiahs, conspiracies, alternative ancient histories, parallel dimensions, unconscious living, how things work, abstract philosophy, utopias, evolution, sympathetic vibratory physics, musical dynaspheres, halloween, magnetism and electricity, feedback, EQing, mind power, multiverses...
An honest to God "honest" person. Is there one? Don't get me started.
Interpol, Mogwai, Pink Floyd, Trail of Dead, Pelican, the frequency of the human body in harmony
Blues Brothers(timeless), Dead Man, Brothers Quai stuff, Elephant Man, Gummo, to many to think about
The Science Channel, Futurama, Going Tribal, anything on Discovery Channel, To catch a Predator(awesome), UFO hunters, Robot Chicken, Metalacolypse, the Office, 30 Rock
Illusions: Story of a Reluctant Messiah, John Keely and his Discoveries, Johnathon Livingston Seagull, On the Road, Wabi Sabi, Dancing Wu Li Masters, Q is for Quantum, Syd Field's "Screenplay", Generations, There Are No Electrons
Andre the Giant, Thor, KISS, Jack Kerouac, ME, Han Solo