BRANTSQUATCH profile picture


Beard Season has begun again!!!!

About Me

I was a lifer but I changed my mind. I'm currently a film student, a life long artist of all mediums, and a musician/song writer. I don't sleep much to my regret for lack of time and I hate when people waste my time. I always have to be doing something or I feel like I'm wasting my own time. TIME...we don't have enough of it, those of us who are aspiring to actually do something in life are always chasing that time that was lost. I want to do too many things and soon it will be time to streamline, but while I can, I keep my fingers in many different projects. Im out to make something of myself and I'm not totally sure what that means or entails, so my life is still a mystery to me too. Life is a journey and a gamble. I play the lottery twice a week and it reassures me that I will have to work hard for everything. Nothing is coming to me free, and I'm fine with that. Right now, its about dodging obstacles and keeping my feet in bounds.

My Interests

art of all forms(painting, sculpture, music, film, all medias), motorcycles, obscure science, starting a religion of sound and music, scheming and dreaming, sideburns, mustaches, extreme facial hair, giants, acromegaly, tire castles, messiahs, conspiracies, alternative ancient histories, parallel dimensions, unconscious living, how things work, abstract philosophy, utopias, evolution, sympathetic vibratory physics, musical dynaspheres, halloween, magnetism and electricity, feedback, EQing, mind power, multiverses...

I'd like to meet:

An honest to God "honest" person. Is there one? Don't get me started.


Interpol, Mogwai, Pink Floyd, Trail of Dead, Pelican, the frequency of the human body in harmony


Blues Brothers(timeless), Dead Man, Brothers Quai stuff, Elephant Man, Gummo, to many to think about


The Science Channel, Futurama, Going Tribal, anything on Discovery Channel, To catch a Predator(awesome), UFO hunters, Robot Chicken, Metalacolypse, the Office, 30 Rock


Illusions: Story of a Reluctant Messiah, John Keely and his Discoveries, Johnathon Livingston Seagull, On the Road, Wabi Sabi, Dancing Wu Li Masters, Q is for Quantum, Syd Field's "Screenplay", Generations, There Are No Electrons


Andre the Giant, Thor, KISS, Jack Kerouac, ME, Han Solo

My Blog

Hammer time

It’s my favorite time of life...hammer time. Back in school, making films feeling like an artist again. Wow I miss it. Where has it been? Who knows, time flies when you got your mind on sens...
Posted by BRANTSQUATCH on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:01:00 PST

excellent quote

Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light.
Posted by BRANTSQUATCH on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:54:00 PST

A thought delivered to me by an elder.

I was sent a one sentence email that I thought spoke volumes in its simple, but profound meaning. I thought it just, to place it here for whoever may be as lucky as I to be told these words, oddly en...
Posted by BRANTSQUATCH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Sitting here at no specific time without really something specific to be doing on this screen. Typing away, words into cyberspace, the newest conceivable dimension, the first man made dimension. Bei...
Posted by BRANTSQUATCH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST