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Zgodba skupine Brezno se je dejansko zacela poleti 2005, pod prvotnim imenom Vyrej. Takrat sta se Matej (bobni) in Miha (kitara) odlocila, da okoli sebe zbereta zasedbo, s katero bi udejanjila svojo ustvarjalnost.
Takoj se jima je pridruzil sedanji basist Iztok, kasneje pa se flavtistka Inez.
Obseg skupine se je vmes se povecal, vendar pa se formacija ni obdrzala in februarja 2007 je pod imenom Brezno zazivela prvotna zasedba. Priceli so z ustvarjanjem avtorskih skladb in resnim delom. Nedavno so posneli svoje prve demo posnetke.
Glasbeni navdih clani iscejo v izrocilu in zgodbah o starih kulturah, preko besedil pa skusajo izrazati svoje vrednote ter pogled na cloveka in povezanost z naravo.
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The story began in summer 2005, when Matej and Miha gathered a group of friends to start making their own music. Influenced by some folk and epic metal bands, they started releasing their creativity under the band's
first name Vyrej. After a year of changes in number of band performers, the recent formation established, containig of four members: Inez (flute and vocals), Iztok (bass), Miha (guitars) and Matej (drums).
In February 2007 they chose a new name - Brezno. Soon after, they began writing new material and recorded three demo songs.
Brezno finds its inspiration in tales and legends of old cultures and talks about human's worths and nature.
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[email protected]