Hello,we are PSYDOLL
We are made from IRON,PLASTIC and PVC,
and we are the newest in Japanese robotics technology
--- like other Japanese robots.
But we are more advanced than other robots.
Having escaped the company that made us,
our AI has uniquely evolved.
So we love making destructive, sweet sounds.
Because they are nostalgic to us.
If you are interested in your future,
feel and dance with "PSYDOLL".
Ok, let's start the sound................
[A Ka i Tsu Ki (Red Moon)]
Get video data of "A Ka I Tsu Ki" for your iPod !! [ DownLoad Now! ] Much more high-definition version than You-Tube version, it means heavy sized data (60MB or more) . Depending on the state of a network, it may take a long time. Do not try to download before go to the office/date/gig/club!
Live Photos Link
You can buy PSYDOLL's album " I PSYDOLL " to the following site.
they cannot take enough time at any time.
So the only people who can wait slowly while friend requests are accepted
would be welcomed to send PSYDOLL to friend requests. thanx......
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