Isn't it time you change your myspace layout
Hopefully this concept will be exhausted in the near future.
Terminal Beach(JG Ballard), Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era(Christopher Dewdney), I am alive and you are dead: a journey inside the mind of Philip K Dick(E Carrere), The System of Objects(Jean Baudrillard), Conversations with William S Burroughs(Allen Hibbard), The Power of Movies: How screen and mind interact(Colin Mcginn), The Science of Society(Stephen Pearl Andrews), Heraclitus:Fragments(Tim Robinson), Marcel Duchamp The Art of Making Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction(Francis M. Nauman), Paper Machine(Jacques Derrida), User Infotechnodema(Peter Lunenfeild,Mike Gerritzen), Unsettling Scores:German Film, Music and Ideology(Roger Hillman), Critical Resistance:From Poststructuralism to Postcritique(David Couzens), The Alchemy of the Mind:The marvel and the mystery of the brain(Diane Ackerman), The Society of the Spectacle(Guy Debord), Les Cahiers Tristan Tzara(Vasile Robciuc), Uniform: Order and Disorder(A collection of essays, Charta), Surrealism and the Sacred: Power, Eros and the Occult in Modern Art(Celia Rabinovitch), Dada, Art and Anti-Art(Hans Richter), The Templar Papers : Ancient Mysteries, Secret Societies and the Holy Grail(Oddvar Olsen), Black Sun : Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Polotics of Identity(Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke), Hellenistic History and Culture(edited by Peter Green),The 12 Ceasers(Setonious), The Imperial Annals of Rome(Tacitus), Bioterrorism and Infectious Agents: A New Dilemma for the 21st Century(Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century) (I.W Fong and Keneth Alibex), Fundamentals of Electronic Warfare(Sergei A. Vakin, Lev N. Shustov, Robert H. Dunwell) Weapons Grade: Revealing The Links Between Modern Warfare and Our High-Tech World(David Hambling), Mind Invaders: A Reader in Psychic Warfare, Cultural Sabotage and Semiotic Terrorism(Stewart Holmes), Stanley Kubrick, Director: A Visual Analysis(Alexander Walker, Sybil Taylor, Ulrich Ruchti), Film Noir; Reflections in a Dark Mirror(Bruce Cowther), Anarchy in the UK: The Angry Brigade(Tom Vague), Wreckers of Civilisation: The story of Coum Transmissions & Throbbing Gristle(Simon Ford), Martian Timeslip(Philip K Dick), Ubik(Philip K Dick), Flow My Tears(Philip K Dick), Hungry City Chronicles(Philip Reeves), Holy Fire(Bruce Sterling), Darwin's Radio(Greg Bear), Acidhuman Project(Kenji Satori), Blood Electric(Kenji Satori), The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers(R.A Dunlap), The Geometrey of Art and Life(Matilda Ghyka), How Images Think(Ron Burnett), Parralell Universes(Fred A. Wolf), Chaos Under Control: The Art and Science of Complexity(David Peak, Micheal Frame), Genetics and the Manipulation of Life;The Forgotten Factor of Context(Craig Holdrege), Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics(Carl Durney,Douglas Christensen), Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence(Hans P. Morvac), Body Art and Performance: The Body as Language(Lea Vergine), Writings of the Vienna Actionists(Edited by Malcolm Green)...
Lumiere Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters, Yves Klein, Oscar Wilde, Jack London, Brion Gysin, Martin Kippenberger, Arshill Gorky, Andy Warhol, Max Stirner, Alfred Hitchcock, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Stan Brakage, Gasper Noe, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Jean Cocteau, Manray, Max Ernest, Andre Breton, Hannah Hoch, Nina Genke-Meller, Paul Laffoley, Guy Debord, Hugo Ball, Raoul Hausmann, F. T. Marinetti, Luigi Russolo, Fredrick Nieztsche, Pierre Henry, Marina Abramovic, Patty Hearst, Kenneth Anger, Jean Baudrillard, Fritz Lang, Werner Herzog, Sigmar Polke, Carravagio, Leonardo De Vinci, Anslem Keifer, Jenny Saville, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Gunter Brus, Vienna Aktionist Group, Buckminster Fuller, Francis Bacon(Painter), Heraclitus, William S Burroughs, Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh, Derek Jarman, Austin Osman Spare, Mitchell Feigenbaum, Aldous Huxley...