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Dr. Eric

If I can do it, you can do it too.

About Me

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Most people reading my profile probably want to know how and why I co-founded the Every Body Wellness Program. Here is my true story.

Several years ago my life was going pretty well. I was finishing my medical degree at one of the top medical schools in the country, I owned a nice little house in a quiet neighborhood, I was engaged to a beautiful young opera singer, and I was in good health.

Then my health started going down hill. I was eventually diagnosed with a terrible autoimmune disease that made it difficult for me to do my work or even leave the house some days. I was nearly hospitalized several times. I thought that I would need to drop out of medical school. I was started on a drug called prednisone, which is used to reduce inflammation and to suppress the immune system. Unfortunately, prednisone has some nasty side-effects and I was on a very high dose. Prednisone is catabolic, which means that it destroys your muscle and causes you to gain fat. It also makes it difficult to sleep and can cause mood changes such as depression and manic episodes. My medical condition did not improve much. Some of the drugs that I was taking cost a lot of money and I went further and further into debt. All of this also took a toll on my relationship and eventually my fiancé and I separated. Despite my illness, I somehow managed to finish medical school and graduate near the top of my class.

During medical school, I had done some research with a friend who I will refer to as Dr. Brook. He was always in great cardiovascular shape and was a nationally-ranked mountain biker at the time. What impressed me most about Dr. Brook was that he was extremely strong and muscular, but he never seemed to work out much. I assumed that this was because he had freak genetics, but I asked him about his workout program. He told me that it was a program that he had put together over the years by using both trial and error and also sound scientific principles. He told me that it would work on every one; you do not need “good genetics”. He said that he only did two or three workouts of one-hour each per week. At the time, I was still on high-dose prednisone and was in the worst shape of my life. I was desperate to try something.

I started working out with Dr. Brook and noticed changes almost immediately. Despite the fact that I was still on prednisone, my body started to build muscle and drop fat. At first, I lost weight as I dropped the fat. I dropped over 15 pounds of fat in the first few months. Then I started to gain muscle. I started getting really strong and ripped. Nearly every muscle group doubled in strength. As an example, my bench press went from 135 pounds to 290 pounds in less than a year. I noticed that I was getting better at sports. I was playing softball at the time and I started hitting home runs more frequently. By the end of the year, I was hitting more home runs than anyone else in the league. Most importantly, I was also getting healthier and was able to decrease the amount of prednisone that I was taking.

For any doubters, I have posted a picture of myself before I started the workouts and one of me after about 6 months of the program. You might look at the pictures and think, “I have seen guys that are bigger or more ripped than him.” That is probably true, but I am pretty proud of my accomplishment especially considering the following facts:

1) I worked out no more than two hours per week.

2) I was taking a lot of prednisone, which destroys muscle and increases fat.

3) I did not change my diet. In fact, I ate and drank whatever I wanted.

4) I did not take anabolic steroids, steroid precursors, protein shakes, or supplements of any kind. If anyone wants to challenge me to a drug test, I will gladly take one anytime (as long as you pay for it).

5) I do not have “good genetics”. Most of my life I have been a skinny long-distance runner. I have tried other workout programs in high school and college and did not make any gains with them.

6) When I started working out I was already over 30 years-old.

Since that time, I have been able to continue my gains in strength (all of my bench presses are now over 300 pounds and yet I weigh less than 200 pounds). I have been able to stop taking prednisone. My disease is in complete remission. I am stronger, healthier, and happier than I have ever been.

Dr. Brook and I have continued to refine the strength training program. We recognize that there is more to good health than strength training, so we have added motivational strategies and a diet plan. We call our plan the Every Body Wellness Program. It is the most efficient program ever developed to gain strength, improve toning, and lose fat. The most amazing thing about this program is that it really does work for Every Body because it is based on sound scientific principles that maximize human physiologic responses. Dr. Brook and I have seen it work on everyone who has tried it, including women (Dr. Brook’s wife is one of many women who do the program) and people of all ages (one of my current work out partners is 70 years-old and is stronger than most of the college kids in the gym).

People always come up to Dr. Brook or me to ask us about the program. We are asked at the gym, at work, at parties, etc. In fact, we have had so many people ask us about this program, that Dr. Brook started emailing new workouts to people every month, but his email list grew and grew. We simply did not have time to explain the program to everyone and answer everyone’s questions. We decided that we would start a forum online where we would post the workouts for free. We are also working on a website. In the mean time, we will continue to add fitness and diet-related articles, post new workouts, and describe how to do the program exercises and why the program works. We will answer as many questions as we can handle. Remember that we are both full-time physicians and are very busy. We are just doing this as a hobby, so it may take us some time to get to your specific questions. Please be patient while we build the site.

I hope you all have as much success with the Every Body Wellness Program as I have. Dr. Brook and I want to help you to meet all of your fitness and health goals. Enjoy your workouts and have fun!


Dr. Eric

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