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Skid Row Baptisms-
Here is a touching and heart warming video of two baptisms performed right on Skid Row - in the middle of the enemies camp! Glory to God!!!
What Would Happen If???
Pictures and videos from Skid Row, Los Angeles. Skid Row - Street Revival
On Bending Knees-
Pictures from inner-city Detroit and Skid Row Los Angeles
Inner City Revival Detroit - Take It To The Streets!
Here is a video of the power of God moving in the inner-city streets of Detroit. Take It To The Streets.
Winter In Detroit's Ghetto
Ministry in Detroit January 2007
Repent and Jesus will Set You Free!!
A compilation of open air preaching calling for repentance and freedom from sin
Blood Bought
A series of pictures of people in inner-city Detroit who were heavily touched by the Lord.
There's Hope in Jesus
A powerful prophetic message from Cass Park Detroit Michigan
We love music at Revival Army Supersite!!! Revival Army Website has a collection of free to download music that we feel is lyrically and musically inspired. All music is free to download. We love music of all types from hip-hop to hymns as long as the lyrics are sound and glorify Jesus! Are you an inspiring musician or just love to sing to the Lord? Send me a PM and let me know, we would love to feature some of your songs for free download with a link to purchase more.For free music downloads - GO TO WWW.REVIVALARMY.COM
Videos are a great way to share, teach, encourage and exhort. The internet is loaded with videos and we have and are continuing to compile what we feel to be the best of the best at the Revival Army Website! We have music videos, video compilations, training videos, video sermons, and much more!!! GO TO WWW.REVIVALARMY.COM to watch a great video.
Instead of watching T.V. why not copy and paste this URL and watch a great REVIVAL ARMY video???
If you like to read, why not check out an article on the REVIVAL ARMY website???What did the early church fathers have to say? What about great revivalists from the past like Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, William Booth and John Wesley? How about the modern revivalist and preachers? We have compiled an extensive list of both past and present inspired works and will be adding more regularly. GO TO WWW.REVIVALARMY.COM TO READ A GREAT ARTICLE!!!