Located in Houston, The Venue is a gathering for a diverse mix of young and old alike that has a deep desire to create a close knit community that is committed to passionately loving God, each other and their city. You’ll find that The Venue is wholeheartedly devoted to walking in intimacy with the Lord and living life together. Monday nights you’ll find all of us together in the Venue auditorium of Grace Church. Heartfelt worship, compelling and relevant teaching, and fervent prayer mark these large gatherings. The Venue is more than just a weekly meeting. Whether its by participating in a small group or playing softball, going out to dinner or traveling around the world, being apart of The Venue means being apart of a group that continues to change and transform our city, and wherever else God decides to take us.The Venue is not only a great place to meet hundreds of people, but a contagious environment to experience God in a new and personal way. Relevant messages for this generation are given by the best pastors in town and out of state.Can’t wait for Mondays? Us either!