I collect, store, and process food to distribute to low-income people in Weld County. I glean food from manufacturers, farmers, distributors, grocers and community food drives in order to make it available to hungry people in our community. From my site in Greeley, and 3 other sub-distribution sites across the county, the food is distributed directly to hungry people as well as to over 115 local non-profit agencies. In 2005, I distributed 5.6 million pounds of food. The retail value of this food is more than $6,000,000; the cost of distributing this food is just pennies per pound. Existing programs at Weld Food Bank involve extensive interaction with a huge low-income clientele. Client contact occurs primarily at my Greeley office, but it also occurs throughout the county: distribution sites in New Raymer, Grover and Ft. Lupton reach those communities and member agencies take food from my warehouse to feed low-income people in Eaton, Ault, Johnstown, Milliken and other rural communities. In addition to these directly food-related activities, Weld Food Bank is the primary intake and referral for Emergency Food Service in Weld County. Low-income persons seeking services come to me to receive information about services available to them.
Visit me at www.WeldFoodBank.org