Weld Food Bank profile picture

Weld Food Bank

I am here for Friends

About Me

I collect, store, and process food to distribute to low-income people in Weld County. I glean food from manufacturers, farmers, distributors, grocers and community food drives in order to make it available to hungry people in our community. From my site in Greeley, and 3 other sub-distribution sites across the county, the food is distributed directly to hungry people as well as to over 115 local non-profit agencies. In 2005, I distributed 5.6 million pounds of food. The retail value of this food is more than $6,000,000; the cost of distributing this food is just pennies per pound. Existing programs at Weld Food Bank involve extensive interaction with a huge low-income clientele. Client contact occurs primarily at my Greeley office, but it also occurs throughout the county: distribution sites in New Raymer, Grover and Ft. Lupton reach those communities and member agencies take food from my warehouse to feed low-income people in Eaton, Ault, Johnstown, Milliken and other rural communities. In addition to these directly food-related activities, Weld Food Bank is the primary intake and referral for Emergency Food Service in Weld County. Low-income persons seeking services come to me to receive information about services available to them.

Visit me at www.WeldFoodBank.org

My Interests

Helping to feed the hungry

Emergency Food Boxes - A nutritious food box, following a set menu, is given to families who are referred from agencies or who are interviewed by our Food Assistance Center staff. The agency / our staff determine that the family is in a crisis situation and is in need of food. During 2005, Weld Food Bank distributed 17,341 food boxes to Weld County residents.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program - CSFP is a nutrition program for persons at a vulnerable time in their life. A USDA food package is distributed monthly to children under the age of 6, pregnant, postpartum and breast-feeding women and elderly over the age of 60. In 2005, WFB distributed 62,573 packages to children, mothers, and the elderly.

Backpack Program - provides school children who are at risk of food insecurity over the weekends with a discrete package of nutritious, easy-to-open food. Backpacks filled with food are distributed at school on Friday afternoons and children return them on Monday to be refilled for the next week.”

Kids Cafe - provides children at risk of food insecurity with a complete hot meal in a setting where they also receive other supportive services (after school tutoring, physical activity, nutrition education, social skills, etc.). Over 3,000 meals were served at 3 Kids Cafe sites in 2005.”

I'd like to meet:

I am always looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers. Fighting hunger is a collaborative effort between Weld Food Bank, volunteers, donors and community partners. You can donate your time by helping to:

•Build food boxes

•Assist clients as they get food

•Sort donated food items

•Repack bulk food

•Stuff backpacks for our backpack program or deliver backpacks to local schools

•Participate in special events such as food drives

•Transport hot meals for Kids Cafe

•Be an afternoon receptionist

Volunteer commitments can range from a single donation of a few hours to a regular monthly, weekly or daily schedule. I value all donations of volunteer time and energy!!


All who work to end hunger.

My Blog

Tuna Fish & Peanut Butter Concert

KUNC's 21st annual Tuna Fish & Peanut Butter Concert will be on Friday, August 24th at 6:30 pm at the Hammond Amphitheater at North Lake in Loveland. (29th Street & Taft Avenue)KUNC is very pr...
Posted by Weld Food Bank on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:00:00 PST

Letter Carriers Food Drive

Each year the local branch of the National Letter Carriers Association holds a food drive to benefit Weld Food Bank, the 110 non-profit agencies and 9,000 people that Weld Food Bank serves on a monthl...
Posted by Weld Food Bank on Tue, 01 May 2007 07:11:00 PST

Celebrity Pasta Lovers' Cookbook

America's Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network announced an expanded partnership with Barilla Pasta. In an effort to increase awareness about hunger in America and to support the work of Am...
Posted by Weld Food Bank on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:32:00 PST