Our mission is to eliminate hunger in Orange County.
Under the guidance of the Council of Orange, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Food Bank began providing food for the hungry in October 1983. Since 1983, the Food Bank has provided more than 231 million pounds of donated and surplus food to local charities.
The Food Bank currently serves 400+ member charities that reach the hungry, including church pantries, shelters, senior centers, rehabilitation centers, homes for abused women and children and many other emergency assistance organizations.
In partnership with nearly400 member charities, the Food Bank helps feed an average of 200,000 individuals each month. Those served include the working poor, children, seniors on fixed incomes, single parents, the disabled, the homeless and individuals experiencing medical emergencies or recent job layoffs.
The primary work of the Food Bank is acquiring and distributing donated and surplus food. Food sources include local grocery stores and supermarket chains, food manufacturers and distributors, the government, restaurants, trade shows, gleaning efforts, food drives and private individuals. Need food? Email us at
[email protected] or call toll free 949-653-2900. We will need your address in order to direct you to a nearby agency.
Each dollar donated provides approximately$12 worth of food to the hungry in our community.*
*Based on a wholesale value of $1.40 per pound
Currently we have 6 hunger relief programs, including:
KIDS CAFE- We provide nutritious afterschool and summertime snacks and meals to 1,600 children at 41 sites throughout Orange County.
BROWN BAG FOR SENIORS- We provide two bags of groceries to 2,635 seniors each month. These bags of groceries include items such as; fruits, vegetables, tuna, bread, milk, and beef stew.
MOBILE PANTRY- We deliver approximately 5,000 pounds of food with each delivery directly into low income neighborhoods
ORANGE COUNTY HARVEST AND FARM TO FAMILY- We harvest approximately 300,000 pounds of food from 2 fields in Orange County to distribute through our programs.
FOOD RESCUE- We pick up already prepared food from local restaurants and catering companys and delivery it to our member agencies.