Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Did you know that specific content can be added to your site that will help obtain better search engine visibility and bring about more traffic and business? There is a lot of info out there concerning this, much of it questionable, but we are well-versed in what actually, measurably, works.
Search Engine Optimization
We specialize in adding relevant content, raising visibility, thus bringing about more traffic without redesigning your site. This work is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, defined as: "Adding topic relevant components to a web site that helps the search engine computers decide how to better index a web site and its pages of content."
Internet Marketing
When it comes to Internet Marketing, there are myriads of options, many of which simply won’t get the results you want no matter how much you spend. The pay-per-click, or PPC, campaigns can sometimes be effective, though the fees add up quickly and the quality of those clicks can be questionable. Also, most consumers know what "sponsored links" are (advertisements), and they choose to click on the organic search results instead. That’s what we shoot for: organic search engine placement.
Page Rank
Your web position and ranking is indicative of how well your site is being seen. If the search engines are finding your site, so are consumers. If your ranking is high, chances are good that you are getting a steady click from the types of customers your business targets. Visibility is key if you want your web site to actually bring in business.